Gp2x Turned Media Center


Still Fresh
Jun 15, 2006
Phoenix, Arizona
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I bought the brake-out-box and made a case for it, or at least a shell of sorts out an old D-Link Router, but I took an old 20 gig hard drive and an old enclosure with a universal car mount slapped it all together and now I have a media center for my desk at work. Comes in very handy when servers are working and there’s nothing to do and when I'm working and need some tunes. I’m going to make a smaller all-in-one drive and brake-out-box with a laptop drive that way all I need to power is the gp2x.



The next step in GP2x evolution! Looks very very cool. Which D-link router case did you use, idd? It looks ideal for the BoB - and the overall result looks like a mod that I'd actually like to put in the effort to make happen.

So... um... any chance of a brief tutorial?

EDIT: Correcting double post, it'd seem
Edit: pulled mention of above double post (he fixed it :)).

Very pimp, I hope you plan to reduce the size for the portable version (AKA ditch the BoB and just terminate the USB with a simple circuit on the wiki, see my sig).

I must say I am not a huge fan of pimp, AKA I wouldn't want to show that off if I built it, which I wouldn't have done.

That said, I actually dig the case to put that BoB (that I hate) in (ouch, I feel so confused).

If all you are using is the USB, you can build a circuit for about $10-15 to terminate the USB (or just use a purpose made USB host termination IC for ~$0.40, I have only seen them in 4,000 pc quantities, so I am sure they are probably under $4 or so individually.), and a $8 or less micro USB hub for more ports if you need them.

Don't waste the time on the BoB when you can fit the circuit that you use (USB) under the shell on the EXT connector.

Just something to think about if you are making a portable version :). Way to mod though :D.
looks great! very "William Burroughs"/"Brazil", if you know what I mean .. all you need is a pimp knob, lol!
That's a pretty cool setup. It would be great if a future cased version of the breakout box was a dock the unit could rest on with all the connectors in the back.
nubie posted on Aug 17 2006 at 05:23 AM said:
At least double posting only results in this now.

Very pimp, I hope you plan to reduce the size for the portable version (AKA ditch the BoB and just terminate the USB with a simple circuit on the wiki, see my sig).

I must say I am not a huge fan of pimp, AKA I wouldn't want to show that off if I built it, which I wouldn't have done.

That said, I actually dig the case to put that BoB (that I hate) in (ouch, I feel so confused).

If all you are using is the USB, you can build a circuit for about $10-15 to terminate the USB (or just use a purpose made USB host termination IC for ~$0.40, I have only seen them in 4,000 pc quantities, so I am sure they are probably under $4 or so individually.), and a $8 or less micro USB hub for more ports if you need them.

Don't waste the time on the BoB when you can fit the circuit that you use (USB) under the shell on the EXT connector.

Just something to think about if you are making a portable version :). Way to mod though :D.

i agree with what you saying about showing off stuff but ive had this "rig" since the bob came out and thought id post it for the people thiniking about getting a gp2x just show what its capable of, but i have been thinking about making just the usb cable for it and using a 1.8' hard drive and finding a way to mout it to the back of the gp2x for super portability then at that point ill make a tuturial

Tobriand posted on Aug 17 2006 at 04:48 AM said:
The next step in GP2x evolution! Looks very very cool. Which D-link router case did you use, idd? It looks ideal for the BoB - and the overall result looks like a mod that I'd actually like to put in the effort to make happen.

So... um... any chance of a brief tutorial?

EDIT: Correcting double post, it'd seem

it was a DI-624 i had from a while back


i used my dremel tool and cut two squares out of the top and bottom of the case then some spacers and some screws and that was about it
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