Gp2x Success Stories


Still Fresh
Nov 17, 2007
I am starting this topic, as I wouldn't mind knowing what people use their GP2X for everyday, what software they enjoy running on, which launcher is your most preferred, battery life, what accessories you have, and your general experience with the GP2X. Here is my GP2X story:

Model: F-100 MK2 Value pack
Firmware: 3.0.0
Purchased at:
Batteries: Original GP2X, and 2500mAh LenMar Rechargeable batteries.
Charger: 1 1/2 hr quick charger which came with LenMar batteries, and charges GP2X ones too.
Battery life @ 200MHz: Around 4-6 hrs per battery, all 8 batteries would easily last me a day of play.
Accessories: Value pack accessories, AC Adaptor, and TV-Out cable. All work perfectly out of the box.
SD Media: two 2GB SanDisk, one 1GB Lexar, one MicroSD Adapter, one 1GB SanDisk microSD, one 256MB Sandisk microSD. All work without issues.
Preferred Launcher: GMenu2x
Movie player: built-in FW3.0.0 player.
Music player: mostly CraigAmp
Games: Exult, Quake, Hexen, Heretic, Doom
Emu: GnuBoy, SNES, gpsp, NES

I use my GP2X as an MP3 player at work, as it plugs in via AC, before I used batteries. On the buses, and at home, I play emus. As I am what most would call a Linux Addict, I need to have the latest and greatest Linux toys. That was my main motive for purchasing the GP2X, it's Tux! Planning on buying the F-200 after all the bugs are ironed out, and use it as a half PDA and half multimedia device.

I hope this topic also helps other choose the most compatible software and hardware combinations. I have heard many people having issues with some Firmware and some accessories. It may also help people choose where to best purchase their new GP2X handheld and accessories.

Model: f200 model b (does anyone know if there is a model a?)
Firmware: 4.0.0
Purchased: (great service and low prices)
Batteries: I use 4 kodak 2100 mah rechargeables with the kodak value charger. I leave 2 charging while using the other two in my gp2x, and have yet to find myself without juice in these things.
Battery Life: I rarely run out because I just swap them each night when I get home, but around 6 hours I'd say.
Accessories: The official GPH carrying case from play-asia. This thing is a life-saver, especially if you have an f200 - I'm sure I would have lost my stylus by now had I not had this case. Also, I've dropped my gp2x in this thing from a height of about 3 to 4 feet more than a few times, and my f200 still works flawlessly. I also have a cradle on backorder right now.
SD Media: I have a sandisk 2.0 gb card, and a sandisk hc 4.0 gb card. Both cards work well so far, though for some reason I can't get scummvm running on the 4.0 gb card. Got the 4.0 gb card for 27 bucks with a usb card reader (which is good for my battery life) during the thanksgiving sales.
Preferred Launcher: Gmenu2x - though I must say that it is the only launcher i have tried so far aside from the default, which gets cluttered quickly.
Movie Player: Default player, I think it's a modified mplayer
Music Player: I was using gmu until I couldn't figure out how to exit the damn thing, or get the back light to turn off. So now I'm sorta in a middle ground where I'm trying out different players. Oldplay is really nice, especially for playing FLAC files, but it lacks ogg, which would be the clincher for me if it had it. Ommpc looks nice from the screenshots, and I've heard good things, but I can't seem to get it working (restarts gp2x upon loading) and I'm not sure if it's an f200 issue or what (I think I've setup the config files correctly), but I'd love to get it working because it has many of the features I desire which are lacking in other players (play music in the background with mpd, tracking, ogg support).
Games: Right now I am going through finals at school, so haven't had much time to play much, but Boomshine2x is a must have for any gp2x owner. Sqdef is awesome as well (I think it comes on the disc shipped with the f200). I'm really enjoying the new test versions of scummvm supporting the touch sreen.
Emu: gpsp (great gameboy advance emulator - many games run at very playable speeds clocked at 240 for me), CPS2 (didn't know about this one when I first got my f200, runs arcade street fighter type games and shooters at full speed - also check out puzzlers on this one like super puzzle fighter 2 - I was playing the gba version before I knew this emu existed), MAME (tons of arcade classics), PocketSNES, PicoDrive (cool because you got genesis, and sega cd all in one), ws2x (wonderswan emulator, for me, it is for guilty gear), psx4gp2x (have to name this one because I've been having fun just testing out all of my old psx games to see if they work, most of them aren't playable, but for me, it is fun just getting to see how things run. Try abes oddyssey or einhander for something playable).
Applications: graffiti (cool drawing program with save support for f200), gp2xpdf (very nice pdf viewer using the x window system), gp2xwrite (ever make a small change on a config file, only to find you need to revert back to the old change? use this to edit your config files without having to link back up with your pc.), Pikix (try this out if you are at all interested in video, has really cool effects and very tight control over video playback - layering, mirroring, mixing - I've just started messing around with it, and i've found it to be a very interesting application with a lot of potential).

I use my gp2x for many thing, listening to music on my way to school, watching movies on planes, playing old school classics. Though I haven't had much time to investigate it, i'm pleased that gph has released the source for the f200 firmware, and I have been having fun investigating different methods of programming for this thing (c, fenix, ruby, glbasic - not open but supports touchscreen, and python all look promising). I have some great ideas that I will be implementing on this thing, but the cradle will solve a lot of headaches for development on f200's.

I thought this was a great topic, I am looking forward to see what others are using it for.

- Narmak
Model: F200
Firmware: 4.0.0
Purchased at:
Batteries: 2650 Duracell rechargables
Charger: 1 hr duracell charger
Battery life @ 200MHz: lasts plenty of hours, havn't actually timed it. I think the one pair would last me each day at college.
Accessories: None yet.
SD Media: 2GB
Preferred Launcher: F200 main menu is the only one I've tried, and it's fine
Movie player: built-in player.
Music player: only tried the built-in, had some problems trying to play my mp3 file
Games: Scumm
Emu: SNES (lemmings 2: tribes), gpsp (free homebrew game lumines clone, luminesweeper)
It was in 'Nam I first started carrying my GP2X in my left breast pocket. One day we were making our way down the old Kwon Kwain river when a Viet Kong sniper got a clear shot of me. He let off a single round. I would have died that day if he had hit me.
Model: F100 Mark 1
Firmware: 2.1.1
Purchased at: (out of business)
Batteries: Duracell 2650mah rechargables, soon to be Yuasu 7000mah lead-acid
Charger: Radio Shack AA charger/AC adapter combo, soon to be lead-acid charger circuit
Battery life: Variable, extremely sensitive to bumps
Accessories: Earphones, no stick cap, callous
SD card: Sandisk 2 GB standard SD
Preferred launcher: Gmenu2X
Movie player: Default
Music player: Default
Text reader: Gp2xVtex and Viewer4DM

Games: adic2x, battlejewels, BisfoG, BlastRiot, Block, Blocked, Boomshine, Chess2X CLoneKeen 1, 2, and 3; Cubes, Digitaljez, Doom 1, Doom 2, Cave Story, Friq, hangagechu2x,, Jumpnbump, Kicknplay, Minigame Project, Myriad, Noiz2sa, Protozoa, Run Hitler Run, Road Smash 2S, Ruckman, Falling Sand, Shippy 1984, Sponge Blob Tennis, Spout, Sqfef, Squaresliding, SuperSonicSpeed, Supetux, Tikka, Thruster, Tilematch, Unicolor, Vektar, Ventifact, Virtual Wii, Washing Simulator, Waternet, Walking Simulator Extreme, Zooov1, and ZombiePox2X.

Emulators: MAME, Stella, GnuBoy2X, Picodrive, GPSP2X, GnGeo2X, GPFCE, PocketSNES, PSX4ALL, and Spot.

Apps:2Xword, Cal2X, ebook reader, enexfi, explorer, Games browser, Gmu, gp2x_vtex, Movies, Music, Photos, Utilities Browser, Viewer4DM.

Misc: Lots of demos.
Model: F-200
Firmware: 4.0.0
Purchased at:
Batteries: 4 Official GP2X batteries (2500 mAh), 8 Powerex batteries (2700 mAh) that I rotate.
Charger: Generic charger I bought at Wal-Mart (it came with 4 2500 mAh batteries that I have since retired. The charger works great, though!).
Battery life @ 200MHz: I've never really timed it, but I will say that the Powerex batteries have a noticeably long life between charges.
Accessories: 1 2GB Kingston Elite Pro 50x SD cards, 2 2GB Kingston SD cards, 1 "brand x" PSP adhesive D-pad cover (sticks right on top of the four D-pad buttons, and is easily removable. I put it on when I need it. GREAT for fighting games, but kinda awkward when using any other game/program).
Preferred Launcher: Built in F-200 menu
Movie player: Built in F-200 player
Music player: Built in F-200 player
Games: Beats of Rage, Beat2x, Boomshine, Phishy, GhostPix, Ruck Man, Ur-Quan Masters, Cave Story, Doom, Wolfenstein
Emu: ScummVM, PocketSNES, gp2xEngine, CPS2emu, MAMEgp2x, Frodo2x (for single disc C64 games), VICE (for multi-disc C64 games), GPSP, Picodrive, gp2x-MSX, RACE!, AlexKidd2x GNGeo2x, GPFCE
Model: F-1000(d)
Firmware: 7.3.0
Purchased at: Doctor Emmett L. Browns Gaming Emporium
Batteries: Micro fusion cells
Charger: N/A
Battery life: 3-5hrs
SD Media: 1 1TB SDUHC card
Preferred Launcher: Rocket
Movie player: Default
Music player: Default
Games: Crysis, GTA IV
Emu: Wii, Playstation 3
Lurkio said:
Model: F-1000(d)
Firmware: 7.3.0
Purchased at: Doctor Emmett L. Browns Gaming Emporium
Batteries: Micro fusion cells
Charger: N/A
Battery life: 3-5hrs
SD Media: 1 1TB SDUHC card
Preferred Launcher: Rocket
Movie player: Default
Music player: Default
Games: Crysis, GTA IV
Emu: Wii, Playstation 3
Well, I guess you can count on one thing never to change regarding the GP2X ;)
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I know dude you should have went with this

Model: F1000 (B. rev2)
Firmware: 7.3.0
Purchased at: defunct GPH hq
Batteries: revamped cold fusion pack.
Charger: don't ask :P
Battery life: avg. 3-10days standby, 1day 5 hours game do'h X_X
SD media: 1TB SDUCH class 10 weeeeeeee
Preferred launcher: grenade
Movie player: default
Music player: samsung media software hacked and added.
Games: Resident Evil 5, Street fighter 4
Systems: I'm not gonna answer that one.

but anyways back on topic.
Good to see people with a sense of humor. sure the battery life of the DS and PSP are far greater than the GP2X, considering the GP2X uses crappy AA batteries, while the DS and PSP have nice shiny lithium batteries. The DS battery lasts a very long time, I bought mine in the spring, and only charged it about 3-4 times. Although I haven't been playing it as much since I got my hackable GP2X :)

If only lithium came in AA battery format *sigh*

Looking at the F-200 users, it looks like mostly everything works. wonder if GMenu2x will get touchscreen support hacked into it.

blurt: "I lub my 2X!"

Seriously, it gets more use than any of my previous handheld gadgets and emulates just about every pre-32bit gaming platform Ive owned, and has some pretty good homebrew...

You'll get nowt but praise for the thing from me.