Gp2x Snes! For The Win

You dont see xbox, or gamecube doing that crap. Its like the worst way of marketing because some people have a mental disorder to buy things that are smaller (for instance, my bro waited till the small ps2 came out to buy it.  ;)]

whats Next for sony? PPSP? Peewee Play Station Portable?
We will see!
Everybody raise their hands if they want an Xbox that can fit in a house!

I think it should be the PSAFT, or Playstation Absolutely Fucking Tiny. It'd be the size of your fingernail and impossible to play.

Of course, there has been rumour that in the year 2020, you'll have a credit-card sized device that will play 3D games, act as a phone, give you internet access and not be an N-Gage from Sony. The Sony PS-Gage. Small as a credit card, nowhere near as useful.

Oh! everyones going to have one of those eh? B)

and declaration, oh yeah you're rite. but they didnt do it with a console. Something that stays inside of a house... They only added colors which werent very mind altering :)
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I think it should be the PSAFT, or Playstation Absolutely Fucking Tiny. It'd be the size of your fingernail and impossible to play.

Also, declaration is right. Remember that second SNES model? Or the GameBoy Color? Or the GameBoy Advance SP? Or the GameBoy Micro?

I have a PSOne by the way, it's quite a bit nicer than my now-broken first generation PS1, and I'm glad Sony released it. I also have a GameBoy Pocket and a GameBoy Advance SP.
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what about the gameboy colour?

the GBA SP wasnt a money making thing really, the GBA had no backlight, thus the screen was utter shit, and everyone complained..thus the SP was born.

never heard of a gameboy micro...
Yeah, I personally wish console makers would bring out more designs with the same hardware inside. Then we'd be able to choose what we like, just like we can with DVD and CD players (which all basically do the same thing) etc.

and Drak, sorry for the original hostility. I am an idiot sometimes.
Yeah, I personally wish console makers would bring out more designs with the same hardware inside. Then we'd be able to choose what we like, just like we can with DVD and CD players (which all basically do the same thing) etc.

and Drak, sorry for the original hostility. I am an idiot sometimes.
Its ok, im a noob and i hate merchandising.
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your forgetting about the playstation v2 there was 2 version of the normal playstation well 3 inculding the small ps1

Never heard of that one :P , but what did it add?
I am not really that sure i think it played games alittle better and and took off a port in the back that never was used for anything or something i just know my old PSX had a verion 1 case with a verion 2 motherboard thanks to the people i got it from :angry:
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the port in the back was used for plugging chip things in which let you play copied games, i guess thats why they removed it
what about the gameboy colour?

the GBA SP wasnt a money making thing really, the GBA had no backlight, thus the screen was utter shit, and everyone complained..thus the SP was born.

never heard of a gameboy micro...

You also forgot about the Gameboy Pocket

And the people that think its bad for console makers to make more variety in their products is an idiot in my mind, because if they didnt, everyone would have the same color and big assed consoles and handhelds, ect.
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