Gp2x Or Psp Help Me Decide Please

hired gun

Sep 18, 2005
Hey gang here's the dealio, I finally decided to give up my NEO GEO AES to a good buddy, and instead of selling it, we decided to swap it for a PSP (he will go out and buy one totally new). The thing is that I know that I will be using it almost exclusivly for EMUS (especially the NEO CD) so I'm wondering, if it would be better to exchange it for a GP2X instead?????? Can anyone tell me how the two stack up to eachother as far as the emus go???? I know that the PSP costs a lot more than the GP2X, but the truth is that money is not an issue for me here, I want something that I can play on, so even if it turns out to be a lot cheaper for my buddy, I don't mind exchanging my AES for a GP2X if it's better to play emus on. I realize that most folks on this site might be biased towards the GP2X, but I'm williing to run the risk, LOL. Thanks in advance for any input, Hired Gun.
PSP emu is further along, because it had been out longer, but gp2x is going to catch up and surpass it.

Plus each firmware relase for gp2x will make it better, psp firmware will only lock it down more.

Just my .02

Also I feel the gp2x is better to hold and play for extended periods of time.
Well, it depends, really.

Both games consoles are fairly equal in their emulation ability. However, they are focused in entirely separate ways. Sony is trying to stop homebrew altogether, whereas GPH is trying to encourage it. This could mean a huge slowdown in PSP development, while GP2X development is currently happening at a truly astonishing rate.

However, the PSP has been out longer and has a larger audience than the GP2X. This means it has more emus already. The current GP2X Neo CD emu seems to work quite fast with sound, but its development has been put on hold. I'm not sure about the status of the PSP's Neo CD emu (or if there even is one). SNES is better on the PSP, but SquidgeSNES is improving fast. GP2X C64 emulation is near perfect. GP2X Megadrive emulation is very near perfect. And the homebrew games are a big plus too. And you don't need to do anything special to run them.

Overall, I'd say for emulation, buy a GP2X. It's got good emulators at the moment, and things can only get better. Plus, it's much more open than the PSP. And you don't need no fancy blurry dead-pixelly widescreen LCD to play emulated games, either. The GP2X screen is much sharper.
If moneys not an issue get both!

Well NeoCD is for all porposes, perfect on PSP right now. Id say, get a PSP (make sure its a 2.0 or you wont be able to do much with it for a little while, search round to find out how to find out from the barcode on the box) and get a 2X next year when its really came together, bugs are ironed out and emus are fully developed.

One thing with the PSP is that you should check forums and such first and learn about it. Eg, even though some games say they require higher than 2.0 firmware, you can get a homebrew prog to fool them (becuase after you go above 2.0 youre locked out of most homebrew till fanjita or someone fully exploits the GTA bug... which will probably be soon the way he works :P )
OK, for first (sorry but I have to ask):

Are you TOTALLY sure you want to give away anything with a Neo-Geo Brand??? Instead of ripping your bud off ( with the PSPyourself too cause of expensive games in case you ever buy them, and more expensive memcards!!) you should rather sell it on eBay... I really don't know the prices, I only know that collectors rave about Neo-Geo stuff!!

I, for myself, decided to buy a GP2X because its by far mor open, the overall costs simply do not compare, the GP2X including memcards and possibly commercial games is much cheaper...
The only thing it lacks is PSP-quality-3D and inbuilt WLAN (which -might- be added later over SDIO or EXT or USB)

I agree with my forespeakers about the EMUs... the PSP might be faster and might have better emulators right now, but if you have some foresight you realise that the GP2X homebrew software and firmware will surpass the PSP's for sure... I think you can also expect a huge graphics quality improvement once the dev's can properly use the hardware scaler and the second processor adding at least 80% power :) .

Then, its not as heavy as the PSP (you feel the difference, the PSP IS kinda heavy) and you don't have to wait until someone hacks around the current firmware release ;) !!!
If moneys not an issue get both!

Well NeoCD is for all porposes, perfect on PSP right now. Id say, get a PSP (make sure its a 2.0 or you wont be able to do much with it for a little while, search round to find out how to find out from the barcode on the box) and get a 2X next year when its really came together, bugs are ironed out and emus are fully developed.

One thing with the PSP is that you should check forums and such first and learn about it. Eg, even though some games say they require higher than 2.0 firmware, you can get a homebrew prog to fool them (becuase after you go above 2.0 youre locked out of most homebrew till fanjita or someone fully exploits the GTA bug... which will probably be soon the way he works :P )

LOL, when I say money is not an issue, I mean that I don't mind exchanging for the GP2X even if it costs about 100 Euros less than the PSP, LOL. You made some good points, thanks for the info. I've already got a GP32, so basically I was looking for something to play the NEO CD on, and I'll take your word on it that it's near perfect. I also didn't know about the barcode thing, thanks for tiping me off, I'll check it out, but I thought that 1.5 was supposed to be the one that would allow all the emus???? And even if it's not the 2.0 when it's storebought, can't you always just "flash" it in like you would for the GP32 or GP2X???? H.G.
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I also didn't know about the barcode thing, thanks for tiping me off, I'll check it out, but I thought that 1.5 was supposed to be the one that would allow all the emus???? And even if it's not the 2.0 when it's storebought, can't you always just "flash" it in like you would for the GP32 or GP2X???? H.G.
1.5 does allow for games, emus and isos using some exploiter app, but it's very hard to come by (generally found on eBay). 2.0 is easier to get, and it's possible to exploit some bugs in the firmware to play homebrew, with some other exploiter app. Plus, you can downgrade to 1.5, thanks to Sony's firmware updater. The newer firmwares (>2.0) have yet to be cracked, and cannot be downgraded.
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1.5 does allow for games, emus and isos using some exploiter app, but it's very hard to come by (generally found on eBay). 2.0 is easier to get, and it's possible to exploit some bugs in the firmware to play homebrew, with some other exploiter app. Plus, you can downgrade to 1.5, thanks to Sony's firmware updater. The newer firmwares (>2.0) have yet to be cracked, and cannot be downgraded.

Thanks dude, this is getting a lot more complicated than I thought, LOL, mabye I should just listen to Racoon and keep the AES, LOL. Your "long term" and "short term" emu argument made in your first post also makes a lot of sence too, further complications, LOL. One quick question, I've never used Linux before, would that be a factor at all in deciding for the PSP over the GP2X??H.G.
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Well, did you ever use Sony OS before? ;D

You probably won't really notice that you are actually running linux, if you do not install STerm you will probably never encounter a command-line on your gp2x, so no need to worry....

In fact, linux (and its GPL-license) is rather an argument for the GP2X OVER PSP since it's open and (I know I keep saying that) as soon as GPH releases the sources the community will start making firmware release which will by far surpass the current firmware efforts and functions :) .

The diversity of things you can do is for sure much higher on the GP2X.

And, yes, in case you own Metal Slug (any version), how can you even think of selling it? ;)

EDIT: spelling -> current
Hey gang here's the dealio, I finally decided to give up my NEO GEO AES to a good buddy, and instead of selling it, we decided to swap it for a PSP (he will go out and buy one totally new).  The thing is that I know that I will be using it almost exclusivly for EMUS (especially the NEO CD) so I'm wondering, if it would be better to exchange it for a GP2X instead??????  Can anyone tell me how the two stack up to eachother as far as the emus go????  I know that the PSP costs a lot more than the GP2X, but the truth is that money is not an issue for me here, I want something that I can play on, so even if it turns out to be a lot cheaper for my buddy, I don't mind exchanging my AES for a GP2X if it's better to play emus on.  I realize that most folks on this site might be biased towards the GP2X, but I'm williing to run the risk, LOL.  Thanks in advance for any input, Hired Gun.

One thing you should know is that the widescreen format on the PSP is less than ideal for emulation. If you display emus at their native 1:1 resolution you will get a small postage stamp play area with a huge border. If you stretch it to fill the screen you will get a squashed image with pixel distortion and/or fuzzy graphics due to filtering. If that doesn't bother you (some don't mind, others hate that effect) then you may as well go for the PSP. Right now NeoGeo and SNES is far better on the PSP. We don't know how far Neo will get on the GP2X. It could get almost as good as the PSP or it could hit a wall and not get much better than it is now.
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One thing you should know is that the widescreen format on the PSP is less than ideal for emulation. If you display emus at their native 1:1 resolution you will get a small postage stamp play area with a huge border. If you stretch it to fill the screen you will get a squashed image with pixel distortion and/or fuzzy graphics due to filtering. If that doesn't bother you (some don't mind, others hate that effect) then you may as well go for the PSP. Right now NeoGeo and SNES is far better on the PSP. We don't know how far Neo will get on the GP2X. It could get almost as good as the PSP or it could hit a wall and not get much better than it is now.

Thanks Dave, hadn't taken that into account. One more thing to consider. This is getting harder and harder to decide :( The truth is that since I already have a GP32 and I am thrilled with the emus it currently runs, what I am really looking for is THE console that would emulate what it can't---NEO GEO CD. So if the PSP emu is near perfect, and the GP2X would "at best" equal it, seems like the I might lean towards the PSP.....Still open to further opinions folks, if anyone cares to add something. P.S. Racoon, I don't own any Metal Slugs, 600 Euros is too rich for my blood, which is one on the reasons I'm getting rid of my AES, all the really good games are just out of my reach!!!!!!!!! H.G.
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Then comes the factor of resolution again. The GP2X screen resolution is 320 x 240. The Neo Geo is 320 x 224. So a NeoGeo game will fit the GP2X screen almost PERFECT with NO stretching, blurring or distortion at all at a nice razor sharp 1:1.

The PSp screen is rather slow giving ghosting and smearing when things move fast. The GP2X screen has interlace though, but we think that can be fixed through a firmware upgrade.

Then you have the fact that the GP2X has 64 Megs of RAM which is much more than the PSP. This will allow large cartridge games to run once linux gets thrown out. Cartridge games are easier to work with as you don't need to faff about with ISOs and MP3s etc. You can also fit more on a card too.

It is tough ;)
Another bit of Old Man Rambling ...

The other day, a co-worker was proudly holding up his PSP to show me something cool (judging from the shit-eating grin on his face)

"Look, All those old-ass games you like to play are now for the PSP!"

He was showing me a loading screen for Pac Man from the Namco Museum Collection. I tried to restrain myself from chuckling when I explained how on my GP2X I can play Pac Man and hundreds of others on a screen that has the correct resolution and aspect ratio for such games. I then went into my usual tirade about all the other things the GP2X can do, when my buddy's eyes kind of glazed over as though I was trying to explain the chaos theory to a kindergarten student.

Moral: If you want to emulate, PSP or GP2X, you should be prepared for some work to get the emulators to run, and should be a little computer saavy, but the minor effort is worth it. IMO though, the GP2X makes emulation so much easier being so open as it is.

And the D-pad on the PSP sucks. I tried to use it ... honestly. It's really sloppy.
As always Dave C, you make some good points, hadn't considered the resolution factor!!!!!!!!!! Lou, your arguments are strong too. I seem to see the PSP fading away and the GP2X gaining ground, but it's still damm tough!!!! I just remember all those posts when the GP2X first came out about people having tons of problems, and thinking "no way am I gonna be able to figure all that stuff out." I'm not the most computer savvy guy at all!!!!!!!! Crap, things were a lot simpler when I just had my AES sitting on the shelf, LOL. I feel like a kid in a toy store who can pick ANY toy he wants, but only ONE!!!!!!!!! I know I have all the GP2X "research" info I need here, anyone got a good PSP site I can check out to see what is going on and what is not???? And how bout anyone who has both consoles already, like to hear what they would have to say. Thanks again for all the input gang, I really appreciate it, H.G.
Then comes the factor of resolution again. The GP2X screen resolution is 320 x 240. The Neo Geo is 320 x 224. So a NeoGeo game will fit the GP2X screen almost PERFECT with NO stretching, blurring or distortion at all at a nice razor sharp 1:1.

The PSp screen is rather slow giving ghosting and smearing when things move fast. The GP2X screen has interlace though, but we think that can be fixed through a firmware upgrade.

Then you have the fact that the GP2X has 64 Megs of RAM which is much more than the PSP. This will allow large cartridge games to run once linux gets thrown out. Cartridge games are easier to work with as you don't need to faff about with ISOs and MP3s etc. You can also fit more on a card too.

It is tough ;)

Totally agreed, except wouldn't 1:1 on a GP2X make the sprites look a little fat.

You'll still have the pixel dimension problem. Which might not be too bad for most people.
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I might get a PSP for its commercial games, but emulation will never be great on it because of the resolution of the screen and the zeal which with Sony tries to discourage hacking/homebrew.
emulation is *already* great on it!

Okay, still tough as ever!!!!!!! One of the things that I am considering is how hard is it really to get the GP2X "up an running???????" I pretty much figured out my GP32 without any major hair pulling "crisis." Is it safe to assume that being able to figure that out the GP2X isn't going to be a major "hassle???" P.S. I don't know what time it is right now in Scotland Mr Doctor, but it's 2:20 in the morning here right now in Spain, don't you guys on the boards ever get any sleep???LOLOL, H.G. :P
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hm ... why not get a arcade-board and make a little jamma-adapter? The arcade-games are much cheaper than the home-cards + the boards are cheaper too :D.