Hi. I've read your previous threads for the PSP version and the fMSX FAQ, and figured out what I was doing wrong. I appreciate this relaese very much! Here are some issues that I will list below:
-I think the volume level is a bit too low
-locks up in the "load disk" sub menu occaisionally
-when I adjust the clock speed, the sound cuts out in-game
-every now and then, the screen flickers; not sure if this is a big deal to some, just thought I'd list it.
Here are some changes that I think would be great:
-frame counter
-higher overclock option; some people can overclock to 300+ MHz
-translucent keyboard in-game to see if a key does anything
-load game immeadiately, instead of having to go back to MSX BASIC. Make this an option if you'd like
-seems that only .rom or zipped .rom files work; I've tried .mx1 and .mx2 with no sucess. They worked when I renamed the extension to .rom though. Native support of .mx1 and .mx2 would be nice.
-instruction/text file support in-game. Ability to link intructions with a specific game. Some games like Sorcerian have huge instructions; for others, it would be nice to know the key config for that game or any other notes you may make.
-for games with multiple disks, ability to queue up disks one behind the other, and save this config (so they'll always be connected). Similiarly, link all the disks of one game together, to make for easier loading of that game's next disk. Maybe a hotkey to switch between disks of that game, with a small pop-up menu.
Any other plans for this emulator? Obviously you'll want to add support for RAM timings and the MMU hack, but how about moving sound over to the second CPU? It'll make a big preformance increase I think.
I certainly don't expect you to implement all this; I'm just providing my input. Sorry if this is rushed; as I'm on my way to work I explain what doesn't make sense when I get back. Thank you for this great release!!