Gp2x Mame Videos Of Game A-z On Youtube

The guy that posted videos of other gp2x vids has posted videos of gp2x mame running Franxis's v3.6 mame. It's pretty amazing to see how much better/faster games play now versus v2.x from just several months ago! Street Fighter 2 on v2.3 was a dog and now is very playable.

I don't understand why he is using frameskip=0 for all games, because cps-1 or neogeo games run slow with this setting, if he uses autoframeskip the demo would be much more spectacular. Anyway the video collection is great !.
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I don't understand why he is using frameskip=0 for all games, because cps-1 or neogeo games run slow with this setting, if he uses autoframeskip the demo would be much more spectacular. Anyway the video collection is great !.
The best way to show how much the emulators improved, is by playing it on the most basic settings.
If a game runs playable on frameskip=0, then you know that it will run pretty much perfect with over clocking :)
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It is cool but kind of a big blunder is that vertically oriented games are shown cut off. This gives the impression that the only way to play these games is cropped with part of the screen missing. For example in Galaga the ship is almost completely missing. These should have been shot running with the unit rotated to show that it can be done to display all of the game screen.
Well - hadn't realised Salamander worked - shows I don't read text files..
Will have to dig out the rom (from my Konami GX400 board obviously).

As DC said, pity he didn't rotate the screen for some of the games. :(
It is cool but kind of a big blunder is that vertically oriented games are shown cut off. This gives the impression that the only way to play these games is cropped with part of the screen missing. For example in Galaga the ship is almost completely missing. These should have been shot running with the unit rotated to show that it can be done to display all of the game screen.

I completely agree. Like in the first videos of 1941, 1942, 1943, etc you lose quite a bit of the play field.

Too bad there are no other videos of MAME running on DS, PSP, PDA's, etc with as many games to compare to. All you seem to find on YouTube are the same games over and over again... oh look at me play pac-man and frogger on my phone! .... argh.
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Does youtube support portrait orientated video? If not then it'd make it a bit awkward watch it at 90 degrees.
If you watch the 'C' games, you'll note that he does rotate Centipede around.

The videos were interesting as it showed me some games that I hadn't even tried before.

I mean there are well over 1000 supported games (though many are clones) but it would probably still leave many hundreds of unique games. I tend to play the ones I knew of, saw or actually played when I was young. There's a whole swag of games out there that i'd never seen (i'd say that the coin-op arcades were never as "big" as they were in Europe on the US ).
What version of mame is he running?

He seems to have some filter by year/genre etc.