No problem erikthecat
I think it is a generational problem... I'm 31 years old and probably my classic favourite games are not the same as you... My favourites are the ones in my youth (Ghosts'n Goblins, Commando, Snow Bros, Pang... and also after that Neo·Geo and CPS-1 games, I was a child at Donkey Kong or Zaxxon times, but i still enjoy a lot playing these games eh

Then i'm very happy with the current MAME GP2X status. I'm not motivated to spend a lot of work to add sound to Donkey Kong or Zaxxon... But MAME GP2X has not to be a single person work... I'm open to colaborations from everyone else...
Anyway my respect to DaveC, but i won't do the improvements he wish, only the improvements i want to spend my spare time...