Gp2x Joystick

DaveC, Have you tried a different cap on your GP2X?

I also notice that the latest releases DO have fixes implemented to fix the 4/8-way issue. One developer even went so far as to put out a new version with fixed diagonals.

On a similar note, anyone tried Montezuma's revenge? I like it because the stick is like the old joystick we had at my elementary school when I played it on a Apple //e
nubie posted on Dec 2 2005 at 12:19 AM said:
DaveC, Have you tried a different cap on your GP2X?

I also notice that the latest releases DO have fixes implemented to fix the 4/8-way issue. One developer even went so far as to put out a new version with fixed diagonals.

On a similar note, anyone tried Montezuma's revenge? I like it because the stick is like the old joystick we had at my elementary school when I played it on a Apple //e
Isn't Montezuma's revenge the nice name for travelers shits, where they have constant and serious diarrhea?
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Yes it is, butt :) it is also a really cool game I used to play at lunch in my computer lab on a //e, Color if I was lucky, Green and black if I got a crap machine. There were only 4 color monitors.
FusionSamus posted on Dec 1 2005 at 02:11 PM said:
I got mine yesterday, and I can't put the thing down. I don't mind the joystick on it at all. It's not the same as any other joystick I've ever used in the past, but it only takes a little getting used to. Everyone was bitching and moaning about all these things that are going to be inherently flawed about this device, and I can only find one thing I don't like; and that's the battery life, which isn't terrible for how new this thing is.

I don't know much about programming, so I won't be doing any software development on the thing; but even at the slow growing rate it's at right now (which can only get better from here), I still consider my $200 a good investment.

For anyone that's contemplating one of these, but is not going to buy one because of all the rumors floating around these forums, just grow a pair and get one. Rumors are simply that: rumors. Vaporware. They mean nothing and have no foundation. I bought into this blindly with the highest hopes, and all of my worries have vanished. When the rumors and crap started getting REALLY thick, I contemplated cancelling my order, but decided against it. Best move I've made in a long time, I say.

I imagine that when the GP2X goes "live" in January, there will be an explosive adoption of the technology, and people will look back at the early "bumps in the road" and laugh.

I bought into it blindly as well. I'm still looking forward to getting my GP2X soon.. It hasn't come today, but I expect it within the next couple days..
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