Gp2x Handy V0.1f, Atari Lynx

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Wow thanks the menus are real nice now and the speed seems a bit better.

I noticed that the sound gets a bit garbled like in the Chip's Challenge title music, but then seems Ok in the game.

It is pretty close to full speed now. Thanks for the great work on this.
Im off work ill today and this release was perfectly timed, ive been playing it all morning :)

Its definatley faster, you can tell in rygar, viking child and toki.

*scurries off to play some more*

BTW ive just scored 730 on the bmx in california games - beat that B)
I love the scanlines.. Awesome release!

Edit: Just noticed after completing the first level on Paperboy it goes into an infinite loop when adding bonus to score.. anyone else get this?
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Great version! Those 1x1 scanlines looks exactly like my Lynx. The new expanding menus are very nice, and it's great it saves the config when I exit so I don't have to set the speed to 250MHz every time now. I'm glad you find the time to work on this emu. It was great on the gp32, but the power of the gp2x can really bring it up to just about full speed now!

I still have a Lynx2, and I was the FIRST kid at my school to get a Lynx when it came out. I remember I saved like $160 of my paper route money for it and got it from Sears as soon as it was available. I remember playing with it on the bus and hearing kids say, "He must be rich, it isn't even Christmas yet." It came out in December and the Gameboy was new that year too. It amazed all my friends to see such a powerful color handheld. Three of my friends in high school ended up buying them and we'd comlynx them together in the hallway and play California Games multiplayer!
Great version! Those 1x1 scanlines looks exactly like my Lynx. The new expanding menus are very nice, and it's great it saves the config when I exit so I don't have to set the speed to 250MHz every time now. I'm glad you find the time to work on this emu. It was great on the gp32, but the power of the gp2x can really bring it up to just about full speed now!

I still have a Lynx2, and I was the FIRST kid at my school to get a Lynx when it came out. I remember I saved like $160 of my paper route money for it and got it from Sears as soon as it was available. I remember playing with it on the bus and hearing kids say, "He must be rich, it isn't even Christmas yet." It came out in December and the Gameboy was new that year too. It amazed all my friends to see such a powerful color handheld. Three of my friends in high school ended up buying them and we'd comlynx them together in the hallway and play California Games multiplayer!

Yeah the Lynx was way ahead of it's time. But what did you expect, it was developed by the Amiga team. This thing came out at the same time as the crappy Gameboy with it's lame ghosty grey and yellow small screen. The first Lynx version was huge though. The Lynx not only had a big color screen but it had that scaling chip that scaled, tilted, warped as many objects that you could render too.

We are lucky to have Tuskenraider do such good work on this. It is not as easy to emulate as you might think. This emu is really looking very nice now. The menus look great, and the background image is decent too :P
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Yeah the Lynx was way ahead of it's time. But what did you expect, it was developed by the Amiga team. This thing came out at the same time as the crappy Gameboy with it's lame ghosty grey and yellow small screen. The first Lynx version was huge though. The Lynx not only had a big color screen but it had that scaling chip that scaled, tilted, warped as many objects that you could render too.

We are lucky to have Tuskenraider do such good work on this. It is not as easy to emulate as you might think. This emu is really looking very nice now. The menus look great, and the background image is decent too :P

I am a proud owner of a Lynx I and many games for it and I totally agree with what Dave C says on Tusenraider's work.

The Gameboy, however, was a revolution, not in terms of graphics and power, but in terms of product design, battery life, pricing and matching the consumer needs, a console for the masses that deserves our respect.
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I hadnt used the scanlines until last night. THEY LOOK HOT!!!

The gp2x screen looks like a real lynx screen...I like it!

Thanks tuskenraider!