Gp2x Handy V0.1d

rooster posted on Oct 12 2006 at 02:37 PM said:
still... gives you more time to pull off 'Quadruples' :P
Well, if you don't manage something more than Quadruples you won't get an incredible highscore!
Try out and you'll see that with five rotations the game says 'UNREAL!' and it gives you much more points than Quadruples...
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Is it possible to get a non-stretched screen? I can only seem to get fullscreen to work. The "Nothing" mode displays a short warning and then gives a black screen, although I can still hear the sound in the background.
gene_kultpower posted on Oct 12 2006 at 03:51 PM said:
Try out and you'll see that with five rotations the game says 'UNREAL!' and it gives you much more points than Quadruples...
Spinning round 5 times not only makes you dizzy but combined with the ferocity of the sea that could be quite a dangerous combination on a surf board putting yourself and others at serious risk of drowning.
I don't mind playing a video game, but there comes a time when the fooling around must stop in the interests of public safety. Spinning around 4 times is one thing, but 5 not only poses a risk to other surfers and swimmers alike it is self-indulgent. I would say to anybody seriously thinking about going for the unreal rating, please think of the effect it may have on any impressionable surfers watching your game.
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Classic Gamer posted on Oct 6 2006 at 10:27 AM said:
dosteridge posted on Oct 5 2006 at 01:37 PM said:
This just hangs on the loading screen for me too

Ive only just had chance to try this new update and im having the same problem too? anyone solved it yet?

I don't believe the author has actively acknowledged the posts on this board but probably knows about the issue(anyone heard?). It also seems like most people ARE getting this to run properly. Not sure why I cannot though.

I'm hoping someone could be kind enough to send me a copy of the previous version or point me to it as I didn't archive it... Thanks a ton. :)

it seems a few people are having this prob. as am i. im using a mkII with standard firmware (v2.0). version VO1c works for me but VO1d doesnt.
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tuskenraider2k posted on Oct 9 2006 at 10:39 AM said:

I'am alive but quite busy :-/ ...

I hope I have time next week..

My todo is still to use the second cpu, to apply the mmu hack (for the video buffer?) and fixing bugs

Have a nice day :rolleyes:

Your emulator is my favorite piece of software for gp2x.

Please dont forget about all the lynx fans and try to find some time please

Thanks for your effort, We all appreciate it!
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Just tried this on the TV... Not for epileptics!!

You get the gp2xhandy screen squished into the top half of the screen, and the bottom half is a flashing mess of junk.

I guess programming for the TV needs to be done specially....