GP2X does not turn on. Batteries and AC adapter tested.


Very Active Member
Jan 8, 2010
I know this is a long shot seeing how old the console is. My GP2X has not been used in ages.

I tried turning it on today but it does nothing. Even the leds do not blink. I tested with an AC adapter and batteries.

I don`t know how to find where the problem is. But I`m familiar with electronics and I have got the tools to measure and replace components.

Any advice?
Might be bricked for a solution see post from Slaneesh
Thanks. I still don`t know if mine is bricked or it is a hardware problem. On the wiki it says that broken bootloader will get stuck on a blank screen as is my case. But I don`t know if the lights should blink at some point.

Anyhow I will need a jtag cable and I don`t have a cradle or a breakout board.

I will keep reading, and check if it`s worth to fix my gp2x.
The battery LED is controlled in software, but off the top of my head I think the power LED should come on whether or not it is bricked, so I'd guess it is likely a hardware problem of some kind (maybe not a particularly hard to fix one).

If you wanted to try to build a JTAG setup, I have some PCB designs which you can just send off to jlcpcb and get made for $2, the EXT connector is slightly more expensive depending on whether in the world you are (they are also quite fiddly to solder):

EXT connector:,details,id_pr,1307,key,lg-8xxx-40xx-7020-c1200-connector,smenu,gsm.html
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Thanks a lot. I wanted something sturdy and small to carry when I go hiking for multiple days.

But fixing the gp2x is too much effort. Specially when I can get a odroid go for 60 euro.

It feels sad anyhow. I enjoyed this gp2x for many years.