Gp2x Cradle & Usb Controls?


May 29, 2007
Washington DC
I am curious of the GP2x cradle?

Anyone tried one out?

Does it have VGA/RGB output?

Has anyone tried a USB controller? Drivers?

I know I am getting ahead of myself since I am just barely getting the thing to work, but it looks interesting :-)
kevin J said:
I am curious of the GP2x cradle?

You probably are curious, yes.
Anyone tried one out?

Lots of people have
Does it have VGA/RGB output?

No, only svideo
Has anyone tried a USB controller? Drivers?

Lots of people have. No drivers needed but not all software supports controllers.
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kevin J said:
I am curious of the GP2x cradle?

Anyone tried one out?

Does it have VGA/RGB output?

Has anyone tried a USB controller? Drivers?

I know I am getting ahead of myself since I am just barely getting the thing to work, but it looks interesting :-)
Yes, but see my sig, the only useful thing it actually does is get USB out of the GP2X, they could have that on every GP2X for under 50 cents, they suck apparently (you can put USB inside next to the SD card yourself, results depend on skill, possibility of ruining the GP2X).

They could have it on every TV cable for 0.50 cents too, they must suck apparently.

It doesn't even have the required power supply for the price they charge, WTF!

Get Artaylor's USB to EXT convertor and a USB 1.1 hub WITH power supply for less than that piece of #$@%, if of course you don't need the Jtag or RS-232 ports (if you just thought: "huh?" then you probably don't need them).

USB 1.1 hubs with a power supply are like $10 new. If you want custom video cables (does the Cradle even come with video cables? or Video out?? Or just S-Video?) fill out the quote form on Artaylors website with the type of video cables you want on it.
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Miika said:
W-What? Isn't the GP2X USB 2.0? 1.1 is so slow...
Yes, USB 1.1, what would you transfer for a couple 200mhz ARM9's with only 64MB's of RAM that would over-saturate the 12Mb/s transfer of USB 1.1??

I know that when I transferred from one USB stick to another USB stick it was slow, but big deal 12Mb/s is plenty for any game or video that the GP2X could handle, I have played PSX ISO's off of an external drive, it is plenty fast.

Think about the load speed of most of the disk-media based consoles out there (most solid-state, AKA instant game media, consoles are loaded to RAM before the game emulation starts on the GP2X, larger ROM games have the graphics pre-cached into seperate files for loading on demand).

If your video is more than 12Mb/s maybe it shouldn't play on a handheld.

I do realize that 1.1 is less than ideal, especially with a network, storage, keyboard/mouse, gamepad and maybe some other devices on it, but consider our luck, how many other handhelds even have a USB port? The PSP I have is great, online Wifi in my palm, but the input options mean it takes 5 minutes to check email, instead of 20 seconds.
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