Still Fresh
" hey do you remember me buying you that Atari Lynx many years ago when we were courting, you spent ages playing that Todd game"
Hmmm well this set me off thinking, I was sure i still had my Atari Lynx somewhere in a box in the loft or something so i whizzed up stairs and ratched around, 1 & half hours later, very dusty and dirty i climbed from the loft triumphantly holding my old Atari Lynx & its power supply.
This thing needed a power supply as it took 6, Yes 6 AA batteries to make it work and i remember i could flatten a full set in just over an hour. I plugged it in and turned it on, Todds Adventures in Slimeworld sprung onto the screen ...........
"MY GOD" that screen is soooooo bad it has lines across it it is pale colours not vibrant like the GP2x and it has to be at a very critical angle to view it correctly, I used to think that the Lynx was the best thing since sliced bread, it is amazing how our views and impressions of things change as we come to expect better.
Apart from the fact that the Lynx is a massive console, not really "Portable" i would have fun trying to fit it in my shirt pocket, there is no way i could happily play a game of slimeworld on it now, but i really wanted to play slimeworld just for old times sake..... so i went on to the archives and downloaded HandyGP2X the atari Lynx emulator for GP2X.
What a fabulous way the GP2X and Handy is to play these old Lynx games, THE COLOURS ARE BRIGHT AND SATURATED THE SCREEN IS WONDERFULLY CRYSTAL CLEAR.
So i am now as happy as a pig in muck,
Slimeworld, Klax, Ms Pacman, Rygar (classic game), California games, Rampage, Gauntlet etc etc etc all great games that bring back many memories and i can now play as they SHOULD have been when they came out many many years ago.
The Atari Lynx was way ahead of its time and much underated by many people, it even had a multiplayer system so you could use the comlynx cable to play against your friends.
I hope some of you out there are old enough to have enjoyed the Lynx when it first came out and if not then Download HandyGP2X and get down to some classic gaming.
P.S. I just got thinking, is there any multiplayer link system for the GP2X? ( please dont flame if there is,I am new to this)