Gp2x Break Out Box (finished Product)

zzap64 posted on Apr 4 2006 at 11:26 PM said:
Very interesting product. Having a USB HD on the GP2x would be a killer!

Just have to get me a GP2X first :)

Regarding postage, why not look into sending it regular airmail? Sure to be a lot cheaper than using couriers.

Yes it will be cheaper but it will take longer to reach you. I'll find the best the deal for everyone.
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I think this product looks really cool, but $50 is more than I want to spend on a breakout box. I know you are probably making this in small quantities, and you still need to make profit, but if I were to buy a bob, it would need to be closer to $30.
Another idea:
Make a premium box with a build-in harddrive, or at least a free spot where you can connect a regular harddrive (with the usb-IDE adaptor and power connector all already in place inside).

I probably would buy the latter (without an actual harddrive, but everything set up for an internal one) if it isn't much more expensive (You can buy USB-IDE adaptors for about 10€ at retail, so it shouldn't really cost more than that extra).
Edit: There should be a easy way to connect that harddrive to a regular PC for file transfer though. Are those 3 USBs just working as a regular USB-hub?

Edit2: I like the idea of a VGA out, exspecially since the TV-out can theoreticly do a resolution up to 1024x768 I think. But I doubt that is easily possible :(
zzap64 posted on Apr 4 2006 at 11:26 PM said:
Regarding postage, why not look into sending it regular airmail? Sure to be a lot cheaper than using couriers.

techFreak posted on Apr 4 2006 at 09:54 PM said:
Yes it will be cheaper but it will take longer to reach you. I'll find the best the deal for everyone.

At a guess I'd say around a week to get most places within Europe. I'd gladly wait a few more days to save €10 etc. :)
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donny662 posted on Apr 4 2006 at 03:03 PM said:
I think this product looks really cool, but $50 is more than I want to spend on a breakout box. I know you are probably making this in small quantities, and you still need to make profit, but if I were to buy a bob, it would need to be closer to $30.
Wow, and here I was thinking it was going to be closer to $80-$100...
Price is right for me... Just need to see a couple of apps take advantage to act...
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I'd gladly pay $50 + shipping ... but as a few have said already, I'd need a few apps that could take advantge of all the connections for it to be worth my while.

LOVE the idea of USB keyboards :)
give it 4 USB ports, black casing, possibly some kind of simple docking for the gp2x and im sold.

i'm fine without the docking bit though.
techFreak posted on Apr 4 2006 at 08:54 PM said:
Yes it will be cheaper but it will take longer to reach you. I'll find the best the deal for everyone.
I am VERY interested in this. I am in the US and I would like it as cheap as possible, but still maintaining all of its features. I don't mind waiting a couple weeks more if it saves me money.

I have a few requests, most have already been mentioned, but I would like to add my support
1. composite video output (some of us don't have s-video)
3. Include power supply (or make it optional) and make it power the gp2x as well
4. Sell optional USB attachments, such as hard drives or controllers and include instructions on getting the drivers
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This is awesome, I want one when everything gets finalized, and I do want composite out, that's necessity for me. I honestly think it would be nothing short of fantastic if you made two, one with the current design, and a larger one designed to sit with the tv, dvd player, ps2, etc. So sive isn't a factor, 4 or so USB ports, maybe a HD, externally powered, the works, maybe in theory a second built in card reader, extra, but only after this one is finalized.
Actually internal HDD idea was a good idea. There's enough space to insert USB module and a 1.8" HDD inside. But the price would go up and up. VGA module is expensive too. These are easy but costly. My idea is to come out with a low cost and flexible device. After this model i can add extra functions per request and a few extra bucks.
Hello again,

I'm happy to anounce that this project going somewhere really good.

GPH and GP2XTR team merged their BoB projects to launch an Offical GP2X Break Out Box which will be available with more ports and connections. The product will be anounced with photos and details next week. You can buy them from your local distributor like any other GP2X Accessories. B)

Thank you for all your contributions to this project.
Oh ! Great news !
An official BoB will be very simple to manage for Gp2X users and devs.
Keep in mind the idea of two models (one full featured, one very simple).
Because I don't think everyone will use Jtag, serial...
But that's just an idea, I'll go for a full featured one myself :P .
i don't fully understand it but if it would have jtag support would this mean we don't have to build a jtag cable ourselves in order to unbrick our bricked gp2x'es ?
or what does it mean, can someone explain this to me
techFreak posted on Apr 5 2006 at 10:02 AM said:
GPH and GP2XTR team merged their BoB projects to launch an Offical GP2X Break Out Box which will be available with more ports and connections. The product will be anounced with photos and details next week. You can buy them from your local distributor like any other GP2X Accessories.

Even better! I remembered CragiX mentioned an official BoB a few weeks back, thus I was unsure which one to get ;) But a standard one should a lot better for dev support also.

Regarding the internal harddrive: If there would be enough space for a regular 3.5" it would probably sell a lot better (without one included). As pretty much everyone still has an old HD sitting unused somewhere, and you could also choose which size you want and just go out and buy one for cheap.
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