GP-DC link and gianas return

Another day and more news :) As most of you know "Giana's Return" is the first game to support the GP32 <-> DC Link Cable. As proud owner of that cable you can unlock the "Night-Level" as described on WIP news dated 23rd December. This feature will be only avaliable to GP32 <-> DC Link Cable owners.

So, that's it? You just plug your GP32 with Giana's Return into a Dreamcast and get an extra level?

That doesn't seem to be a very good use of this cable; shouldn't there be something on the Dreamcast side of things, some kind of corresponding game/program that is unlocked? Oh, well... it wasn't a very practical idea in the 1st place. Nintendo only made the GC-GBA cable work because they have a lot of money and there are many games with similar names on both consoles.
It's a start, this is a new thing to program for due to the announcement and needing for new DC games and maybe GP32 games to use it
But at least we have it, it may encourage people to get a GP32 and the link *some people would be encouraged XD meaning mroe GP32 peeps, meaning more linkage and possible programmers
My brother has a DC, but I'm not going to buy some expensive cable just to unlock some secret level. :blink:

Still I can't wait to play this great port/remake :)
It would be nice if someone listed what this cable CAN do and what it CAN'T do.

If the ONLY thing it can do is unlock levels, then yes, I'd say it's a bit of a ripoff. :(
Dude, does the gamecube-GBA list what it can and cannot do? other than make you pie and coffie in the morning, and make love to you *although it probably is possible... the love making... *sigh* i wish it made me blueberry pie*

It doesn't really say wtf it can and cannot do, and with this GP32-DC cable, same thing... it's up to the coders to impliment it into the game to do what it can do with it
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Well, for instance, I think someone said that it will NOT allow GP32 games to be viewed on the tv.
yeah, there is a different between the GBA-GC link cable and teh GBPlayer for the GC

but hell, with programming, it could be possible to veiw GP32 shiz on TV... lotsa fancy programming
lots of it
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To put a bit more light onto that cable...

In fact you can probably do this with Giana's Return

* Exchange of highscores between DC & GP32 (planed, not decided yet)
* Unlocking of a secret world containing six levles, if you pass it all you'll start the game with a special, non loseable power. (mostly done)
* Unlocking a secret character (character drawn, not implemented)
* Using GP32 controls to play on DC and vice versa (planed, not done yet)
* Having a weired FAKE 2 player game. Example: GP32 player can move giana left only, DC player can move giana right only. This might turn out into a funny headache :) (planed, not decided yet)

Those things above are related to "Giana's Return" only, I've no clue how other coders might implement the functions of this cable.

Well do you guys know the Minigame in Super Mario Bros. 3 (NES) where you play Mario and Luigi and all those enemies are coming out the tubes...? You could exactly create a game like it and play it with up to 5 players... 4 on the DC and one of a GP32. Or maybe some card game where one player shouldn't see the cards of the other player. There are so many possibilities if you think more and more of it.
right mr. genious, one problem, last i knew the cable stuck into a controller port, in which leaves it there are only 4 ports,. how do you have 4 controllers and a DC->GP32 link work without being plugged in?

yes there are many uses for it :D and hopfully many more