GP Cinema


Still Fresh
Dec 3, 2003
Hi to all GP32 users,
Been trying for the last week to encode a movie, well actually several movies from DVD and also VCD. None play on my GP32 using GPCinema. They all just reset the machine. Tried some of the test movies from entware and they all work fine. Also just sent an email to deanollive to see if he can send me some VDUB .VCF files to use.
Does anyone know of a one stop solution, ie DVD in GP32 movie out. Maybe someone could write one. Unfortunaely I don't have the time, 8month old daughter and work gets in the way.
My system is an HP Pavillion 1.1Ghz, 256Mb Ram, 32mb Nvidia graphics card and Windows ME (Does ME stand for Multiple Errors).
Software I've tried is DVD decrypter, DVD to AVI (not very stable with ME), Easy Divx (works better from the actual DVD rather than a copy on the HD) and of course Virtual DUB 1.5.7, DIVX codecs 4.12, 5.01, XVID Codec and several MP3 ones .
I've also tried deleting very codec from my machine then re-installing them one by one and trying again with just a few codecs loaded. This took over a week to do. 8 month old babies can be very time consuming.
Any Help ideas
only divx4.12 and xvid are working resulution have 2 be 320x240 and max 512kbps. i know that there are a few virtual dup versions thats output "dirty" avi's have you tried an other version? if you speaking german you can join #gp32-xvid @ efnet 4 help
Saracen your more than welcome to my setting for virtual dub m8, Im not sure if they work in cinema as i use moviepark but i use the divx 4.12 codec so it shouldnt be a problem...

also, that decrypter you mentioned, how long does it take to rip the .VOB files or whatever it does. I use lightnings decrypter as it will rip all the .VOB files in 8 minutes tops on my p4

C3 :o)
i use virtul dub 1.4.7....(apparently it compresses file diffrent to later version's and produce's smaller file's....allthough i could be talking nonsence)...and use a 2 pass method i read on a site about 8 month's ago....the guide was for moviepark....and after some tinkering to get better quality file's using gpcinema....i have never had a problem.....every single file i have encoded...(even the one's before i had my gp32)
if you give me your email address...i will send the copy of virtual dub along with the setting's.
deanollive posted on Dec 3 2003 at 04:28 PM said:
also, that decrypter you mentioned, how long does it take to rip the .VOB files or whatever it does. I use lightnings decrypter as it will rip all the .VOB files in 8 minutes tops on my p4
cheer's for that....(18 minute's on my amd 1.3 for a 2 hour film)
but now i have a do i get vob file's,to gpcinema watchable avi file's?
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Hey saracen!
I have the exact same problem, but my kid is only 6 months old. :D

Actually, my videos will often play for while and then reboot the GP32. I've tried a bunch of things, but I just gave up after a while. I just downloaded the latest VirtualDub, so I'll give it another go.

If anyone has had this problem and figured out how to resolve it, I'd love to hear how.
Well, there are 2 times I've come across GP32 resets when playing movies. No - make that 3 times.

1) Low batteries - nothing wrong with the movie, but something wrong with the batteries. These frequently cause resets. Try changing them and trying again.

2) A ballistic approach to 2-pass encoding: Specifically, you encode the 1st pass and fling it onto the machine assuming it'll work, but it doesn't, because it isn't a proper video. You'll get crashes even if you open it on a lot of movieplayers on the PC - you have to perform a second pass before you'll get something usable out the other end. It might sound like an obvious trap, but as a newbie a few months back (still on Moviepark), its one I fell into.

3) Really messed up sound encoding: This one is identifiable from the large quantities of screech you get from however you're listening to the movie before it goes AWOL. I don't know if this bug is present in GPCinema (not encountered yet, but that means nothing in my experience) but it certainly was in Moviepark. Basically, if you keep watching without stopping and ffwd-ing back to where you are, it can result in a crash. Not sure how to fix it, since it never seems to occur at the same point in the movie!

Not sure about crash problems with movies other than these. Except for overclock ones, but those are often not simple crash ones (they frequently involve screen corruption and obviously death errors rather than the simple "reset" one).

BTW: I'm using Virtualdub 1.5.9 attamo (well worth the upgrade for the "convert to FPS" feature. Soooo much better than decimation).
You know what?

I just got VirtualDub 1.5.10 and installed it (removing the old one). Then I set it all up to encode a MPG. I didn't use any of my old VCF files. This time, I also tried XVid (instead of Divx). I am pretty sure I had tried both Codecs before.

Anyway, it seems to work.

So, do any of you have any GPCinema cartoons (or whatever) to trade? Am I allowed to ask that here?
Hi again,
Still no joy with the version of virtual dub that shotaway sent me. Anybody got any other ideas.
I do have one other question, is there more than one type of Divx 4.12 codec and if so which one should I use???.
Tried searching for Lightings Decrypter on the net but have been unable to find it.
Hi everyone,
Thanx for all your help. Managed to get GPCinema working.
The only way I could get it working was to use Virtual Dub 1.5.10 which is the latest version I think.
I've also been using Dr Divx to convert DVD then Virtual Dub to resize and convert to Divx 4.12. Works quite well but takes time The Two Towers took 6 hours to get it to a GP movie but then it was 165MB so need to work on the settings in V Dub. At least it won't take so long now.
Once again thanx for all the help and comments.
Wishing everyone in the GP32 community a Happy Christmas and an Excellent New year.
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