Got the email. queue position 137

Oh wow, 185..Would be interesting to hear your story.
Just speculation, but is he still selling ghz upgrades or units via email or something and makes ED send them out for free with the older preorders?
ED would never find out if he has no list or real numbers...
I don't think ED is sending anything for free. 
He is, all the preorders and remaining GHz orders are fullfilled by ED, as craig cannot pay for them.

Edit: Yes, they are funded by new sales, but thats because ED sacrifices his own profits for that.
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Oh wow, 185..Would be interesting to hear your story.
Just speculation, but is he still selling ghz upgrades or units via email or something and makes ED send them out for free with the older preorders?
ED would never find out if he has no list or real numbers...
I don't think ED is sending anything for free. 
Yes and no. I ship free units for him according to the profit I make.

I tell him how many units there are according to the sales and he sends me back the addresses where I should ship to.
So it might be a possible scenario, that he gets updaterequests via email and gets the money. Then just sends you the updates as the next batch you ship the preorder Pandoras to?

As said, all speculation and might be completely wrong, but with people coming in here and saying that they are number 183 in a 150 line and expecting they vet their unit this month makes me wonder...
Yes and no. I ship free units for him according to the profit I make.

I tell him how many units there are according to the sales and he sends me back the addresses where I should ship to.
I thought that was only for the classic pre-orders.. well.. if that is indeed the case it is not unlikely that Mcobit is right. It is probably better to avoid business with Craig without a contract where all specifics are written down.  
Upgrades, including payment, usually go directly via my shop.

Some upgrade via Craig, but they send me the payment right away.
Yes and no. I ship free units for him according to the profit I make.

I tell him how many units there are according to the sales and he sends me back the addresses where I should ship to.
I thought that was only for the classic pre-orders.. well.. if that is indeed the case it is not unlikely that Mcobit is right. It is probably better to avoid business with Craig without a contract where all specifics are written down.  
What about that last email where you can swap your old Pandora for a 1GhZ for x. He might be keeping the money, the unit and have ED send a 1 GhZ one and then refurbish the old unit and sell that too.

Even if it brings the whole process, and my hope of getting a Pandora eventually, to a sceeching hold I strongly advice you to not send out another unit until you have a full, specified, list, including adresses, so you know how many units you are talking about and where they should go. No funny stuff with slipping in new orders.

If this means no Pandora for me, so be it, but you've gone above and beyond already and this is starting to get silly.
Swapping adresses between companies might lead to legal difficulties. But a correct number might be good to have.

But there is no use in complaining here as craig has left and let all his customers including the icp folks in the dark.
Swapping adresses between companies might lead to legal difficulties. But a correct number might be good to have.

But there is no use in complaining here as craig has left and let all his customers including the icp folks in the dark.
It's what they are doing right now. Craig gives ED an adress and ED sends the unit.

Only difference would be that ED has the adresses before he has the unit. I don't see, probably because I'm not a lawyer, how that would make any difference legally.

Also, Craig isn't able to take care of his responsibilites and the least he could do is make it for ED as easy as possible to take care of it for him. If I were Craig I'd be thanking ED profusely several times a day and would have posted a huge thank you on this board.

I had a shitty year too businesswise but crisis was averted and we're doing great again. One of the big reasons we got through this unscathed is open and honest communication with anyone who we owed money, consistent follow up, a good chunk of humble pie and a big and personal thank you to everyone once we got things sorted.

If anything, my business relationship with the people around me is stronger as ever as I know they trust and believe in me and they know that if I hit a bad patch I won't disappear and show them I respect them by pro-actively dealing with bills I can't pay in time.
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Swapping adresses between companies might lead to legal difficulties. But a correct number might be good to have.
No, that wouldn't be a problem if we make some kind of contract that he will give me these addresses only in order to handle the shipping for him.
Well, Timster...this is the proper way to do business.

As one small business owner to another, I say kudos to you. It is people like you who deal honestly...who make it easier for me when I need to deal honestly. Fortunately, on a financial level, this has yet to occur for me. On the other hand, I did get a new client recently, and I have had to put in 12-16 hour days six days a week, and 4-5 hours even on sunday....just to deliver what I promised I would!

I'm still not there yet, but I did tell him it would take a little time to sort the mess the previous biller had left him with. But he is seeing progress and THAT is the important thing. I did tell him, up front, I could not guarantee any recovery on the old stuff, because, until I actually looked at it, I would not be able to tell if it was recoverable or not.

Having looked into it, I then told him I believed 80-95% of it was recoverable. Out of $35,000, I have so far recovered $15,000 and accounted for another $10,000 - which is in the hands of individual patients to pay. I'm pretty sure at least $4,000 of that has since come in, because I know of one chunnk of $2000 that was coming a week and a half ago, I spoke to the guy personally. But, until I get the slip from the doctor client I can't count that.

The other 10,000 is is backlog stuff I am slowly sorting out and working through - most of THAT is money he already GOT but just hasn't been properly accounted for. So I'm close to delivering on my promise to this client. But it has taken a heck of a lot of work to make it happen. All of this has been going on while I have also been doing as much as I can to get current claims entered and paid, so that, going forward, he has a nice cash flow. to that end, I've billed about $16,000 in new stuff.

People who want to be in business need to buckle down and do whatever it takes, up to and including six and seven days a week, 12 or more hours a day. If you can't do that, then you should not be in business.

ED is doing one hell of a job, and deserves serious kudos.

Link has always been reliable and good to deal with for us Yanks.

So Pandora has two, good, solid people behind it. But, Timster, as you well know as a business owner rotten apple can ruin the whole barrel....and a hundred "atta-boy"'s are outdone by one "aw, shit."
But if Craig and Jacquelyn can get ED to ship it this month, I will not complain.
Does anybody else think that theres something wrong with this sentence?
I agree, but it is not the sentence that was wrong, but the situation.
No, the sentence is definitely confused as well.Neither Craig nor Jacquelyn (who is an employee of Craig's, not someone with power) can "get" ED to ship anything. EvilDragon has been taking on the responsibility of using the profits from his own sales (which ship immediately and have done so for months) to pay for the pre-orders which Craig's shop failed to deliver. He is under absolutely no obligation to do this and no one has any right to expect or demand him to keep doing so: it's a kindness he continues to perform as he can.

Just some quick numbers looks like he's been catching up at about 1 per day. You're about 50 further along in the queue than the most recent person to say theirs is on the way, so you're almost 2 months away.
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But if Craig and Jacquelyn can get ED to ship it this month, I will not complain.
Does anybody else think that theres something wrong with this sentence?
I agree, but it is not the sentence that was wrong, but the situation.
Would you mind telling us about that situation?
Me and my friend made an order to Craig for 2 pandoras long ago. In last Sept I decided to upgrade to 1GHz but he decided to quit, so the order was a mixture of upgrade and refund and a bit of topping up of the amount. Unfortunately, I was only given the queue number last month. I did not know if it was not a straight upgrade or it was just the Jacquelyn forgot to put me in the queue that I got this number. She made an apology and said that my order would probably ship within this month.
I am 185, and there was a sad story behind why I got this number. But if Craig and Jacquelyn can get ED to ship it this month, I will not complain.
185 preorders for the 1Ghz Pandora.

I was a strong CraigIX supporter up until he stuck ED on the 1Ghz orders.

CraigIX took in approximately $700 each for 185 (or more?) 1Ghz Pandoras.  That is $129,500.

ED sent 70 1Ghz units to CraigIX expecting a check for production costs of ~$350 per unit.  To my understanding that never happened.  He apparently expected these additional units to be 'covered' by ED selling additional Pandoras.  This is the part that broke my faith in the man.  I was in that 70 units that ED sent to CraigIX that went out - I paid CraigIX $700 - he sent me from a batch of 1Ghz Pandoras that he did not pay for - I have a hard time not defining his actions as theft.

ED has since been giving his profit towards fulfilling CraigIX's orders - for all 3 of CraigIX's queues.

1.  Original CraigIX pre-order queue.

2.  CraigIX Pandora sales & upgrades post pre-order.

3.  CraigIX 1Ghz Pandora sales.

If CraigIX had paid ED the production costs out of the revenue he received for the 1Ghz Pandoras I'd likely still have faith in him.  To me, not sending that to ED was re-allocating funds that weren't his to do so with.

That CraigIX hasn't turned over his outstanding order name, address, order date & detail list to ED but somehow expects ED to fulfill them all for free isn't nearly as shocking to me as not paying the wholesale (production costs) for the 1Ghz queue money.  I just can't see how he justified diverting that to anything else.  

He probably has his reasons - and really this is between him and ED.

It simply punishes the imagination to come up with some way or reason why CraigIX didn't pay ED the ~$350 production costs for the 1Ghz Pandora that CraigIX received $700 from me for.

Finding out that he sold way more than 'his half' of the 150 pre-orders for 1Ghz units...  185!!!?

Finding out that he didn't pay ED for the first 70 - and still isn't paying ED to fulfill ALL of them???

That wasn't cash that CC had eaten.  It was new cash.  He could have wallpapered his dining room with the profit on it, I wouldn't care. But that he didn't meet his wholesale purchase obligation - where did THAT go?  That money should have been in escrow (or equivalent) for the entirety of the 1Ghz pre-order batch.  When I bought my 1Ghz pre-order from CraigIX it was supposed to finance 100% of one other pre-ordered unit getting shipped or refunded.  It wasn't supposed to make the situation worse.

ED is amazing for keeping this going after CraigIX's behavior.  ED -is- the Pandora now.  ED would be the last to realize it and second to last admit it, but ED is the one with the power in his relationship with CraigIX now.

I kind of feel bad for enjoying my 1Ghz Pandora that I paid CraigIX for since he stiffed ED on the deal.

I feel sorry for those still in the queues.

I feel even worse for ED shouldering CraigIX's load - which is not his responsibility to do - which ED has no idea if or when he'll get to the end of it.

It's a rotten deal.
Wait, having a queue number of 185 doesn't mean there are 185 left.

The number is given when someone orders, so if that payment never happens, it's a dead number.

Also, when I sent the last 10 Pandoras, the queue numbers that have been finished seems to have moved up by 20 at least, so that sounds okay.

Don't forget that he didn't get 150x 700 USD. There were probably a lot of upgraders from the preorder queue as well, so he probably got a lot less.

Still, I have no idea where all the money went I sent him... for the parts, the money he got from the 1GHz orders, etc.

Can't all have been refunds, as then nearly no one should be left in his queue.

So yeah, there are some mysteries here and there, but I don't think the actual 1GHz queue from him had more than 150 orders.