Got My Gp32 :d


Still Fresh
Jan 4, 2005
Well it arived last night and after a lot of mucking about got Nes, Snes and homebrew games running on it.


Very Impressed.

I am having problems gettting DrMD to detect the roms, and Fgb32 too.

Anybody had similar problems and know what I am doing wrong.?
Well it arived last night and after a lot of mucking about got Nes, Snes and homebrew games running on it.


Very Impressed.

I am having problems gettting DrMD to detect the roms, and Fgb32 too.

Anybody had similar problems and know what I am doing wrong.?

Have you placed the Genesis Roms in gp:\gpmm\Genesis\

Also if the games are zipped up, make sure there is just 1 game in each zip file.
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Ah thats it now.

I was putting the roms in the DrMD folder and they were not picking up.

so do I have to create a folder for the gameboy games as well for fgb32?.

I will try it anyway, thanks man

yep same deal for the gb emulator, I believe you name the folder just GB.

most emu's come with a readme that will tell you what folder to put the games in. :P
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