Google +

to invite you jsut have to share a status to people who haven't got it :P

just throw your gmail at meandu, or one of use of course now we're up and +-ing
I got no fb or twatter account but I have gmail

I registered for this +1 thing but no reply yet

can I get invited too?
Google+'s circles doesn't require anyone to accept you adding them. You'll just receive only their global updates unless they add you to their circles. It's genius :)
tis a rather neat system yes, and the sharing by e-mail thing is kinda cool, though how much it spams people with what you're doing might piss some people off
found the options for notifying me of other peoples jibberish at least

the profile editing is pretty cool, and being able to make seperate elements visible to different things, bit strange that there's places for whether you're single, and whether you're looking for a relationship, but not for orientation or anything.

seems if i look under my images, and then things from my circles i see images of meandu that don't show up if i lok in his, very odd
well that's the worst i see, didn't click any further

the questions is, did you upload them to something like buzz a while ago? notice that you can have a buzz tab to the profile, probably just so it doesn't fall into beign even more obscure
I'm waiting for an invite for Google+ myself but if someone wants to speed up the process I wouldn't say no.

tripmonkeyinuk <at>

Thanks very kindly :)
get it while it's hot :P

sooner or later google will catch onto what's going on, should be pretty obvious as the number of users will keep climbing
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