Good Hack N Slash Games?


Dance Pac-man. DANCE!!!!
Mar 10, 2004
sunbury, victoria, australia
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what do u guys think the best hack n slash games r? 2d or 3d doesnt matther. oh and r there n e good 1s 4 gp32 :D

my friend said that samurai warriors was good, so what du u guys like?
i thought dynasty warriors was a good hack and slash series, going through the level killing wave after wave of soldiers or just plow through them on a horse
mattmagoo posted on May 28 2004 at 01:54 PM said:
Golden Axe (I remember it being better than it actually is)
Same here.. lol
and for hack and slash postal 2 comes to mind :D :D :D
btw dante love the av, massive donnie darko fan here. :P
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it's the greatest film ever and unlike most films you have to actually think about the plot to understand it instead of just sitting there like a mindless zombie
Dante posted on May 28 2004 at 03:25 PM said:
it's the greatest film ever and unlike most films you have to actually think about the plot to understand it instead of just sitting there like a mindless zombie
Oh yeah :D
well said. It's my favourite too, the second I saw it I just though woah....
I've got on dvd you?
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yeah, saw it on offer for like 8.99 last year and thought i would get it because i went through a phase of just buying DVD's when i had money so i got it and have loved it ever since, i think there is only quentin tarintino movies that i like more
Dante posted on May 28 2004 at 03:34 PM said:
yeah, saw it on offer for like 8.99 last year and thought i would get it because i went through a phase of just buying DVD's when i had money so i got it and have loved it ever since, i think there is only quentin tarintino movies that i like more
I don't think I could like anything more. But my second best movie now is definatly Princess Mononoke. I advise you watch it greatly. But yeah Quentin's are cool.
Also Battle Royale is good.
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Dante posted on May 28 2004 at 03:47 PM said:
i'll check them out if i see them, i'm going to music zone soon to try and find series one of the young ones
yup you should do ;)
lol that was a good show.
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Dante posted on May 28 2004 at 03:56 PM said:
i just had a nostalgic two days watching episodes and the live shows of the young ones and bottom
lol my nostalgia comes from the mega drive.
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Dante posted on May 28 2004 at 04:05 PM said:
i can't find my megadrive, i've got an n64 but i've lost the cable that connects it to the tv so i'm pretty buggered if i want a go of it :(
just ebay it mate ;)
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Dante posted on May 28 2004 at 04:11 PM said:
i probably will, we appear to have gone a little off-topic here :)
yup lol it's a little convo, have a chat without the risk of getting flamed:
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Dante posted on May 28 2004 at 04:05 PM said:
i can't find my megadrive, i've got an n64 but i've lost the cable that connects it to the tv so i'm pretty buggered if i want a go of it :(
u can use the same cable as u do for a GameCube, so u can go get and Scart cable from GAME for the GC an itll work for the N64,
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