Good Football (soccer) Game For Gp32?

Try World Cup 1990 on Megadrive. It's rubbish but fun as Hell!


Lol, that was a bit crap. Remember the goal 'sequence'?

The main problem with most old football games are that there are 'sweet spots'. Just look at Fifa-run up the right hand side of the screen and shoot at a point and you'll nearly always score.
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Try World Cup 1990 on Megadrive. It's rubbish but fun as Hell!


Lol, that was a bit crap. Remember the goal 'sequence'?

The main problem with most old football games are that there are 'sweet spots'. Just look at Fifa-run up the right hand side of the screen and shoot at a point and you'll nearly always score.

Shouldnt you change your avatar stuff.

Boris got booted for telling the truth about scousers.
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Well, I finally got around to looking for the games (yes, I'm blumin slow I know :rolleyes: )

I managed to get Dino Dinis soccer. It is very good :)
Is only the arcade style available though?
thats the only type I can get to work. If anyone else decides to try and download it, the newest version didn't work for me but the latest one after that did.

I'm off to search for the other games mentioned now :)
Did someone really say fifa 95?

On the mega drive, we loved that game. Played it a while ago (on the actual mega drive), couldn't believe how terrible it was. On Drmd.....urghhhh!!!

I am really enjoying fifa psp tho..................
I love nintendo world cup on the NES
I love this game too, it feels like SpeedBall :P
But I have some problems to play it on gp32, I tried NesterGp and Little John, and the sprites disapear frequently... same with Super Dodge Ball..
Have you got the same problem??
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the worst football game i ever played was peter beardsley's international football on the amiga. the opposition would run clean through on goal and then as they were about to shoot would turn around and score an own goal - bizarre!! oh yeah, and the ball used to squash to the shape of a rugby ball and making a wet farting noise :P :P
but here this is the "good" soccer games they are searching for :P
the best I played were on megadrive.. a world soccer where there was only one way to goal, but this worked everytime and the keeper didn't made any move :P I love these old games ^^

by the way, no clues for my problem?
I could never get Sensi to work on DrMD, it crashes just before the match begins.

Head-On Soccer (Fever Pitch Soccer) works well on DrMD, as do Tecmo World Cup 92 & 93 (not really sure how different they are though).

Sensible Soccer works pretty well on OSnes0.3 at 133mhz frameskip 1 (it actually plays fine at 0 frameskip, but the screen goes a little weird). Sadly the old classic Super Soccer doesn't run very well at all, and Hat Trick Hero is a touch slow at 133mhz (as soon as someone releases a 160mhz OSnes for the Blu+ I'll be all over it) but still quite playable.
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