Best SMS and Game Gear Games ?

Betty 2001

Mar 1, 2003
Seeing as we have had a best Nes games topic and with the new (and excellent) SMS emulater from rlyeh.

What are everyone's favorite SMS and Game Gear games ?

Mine are (in no particular order)

Kick Off
Sensible Soccer
Prince of Persia
Alien 3
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

(All SMS Games)
I never had an SMS (or any console in fact - the GP32 is the first one I've ever considered to be worth buying), but I did used to go round to my friends house and waste many a happy hour on Space Harrier :)
If you like Space Harrier, then try the GPEngine version, it's probably the best version to get.
Sonic 1 and 2 and sonic and chaos
Calafornia games
Aladin (classic!!!)
Donald Duck
Ecco the dolphin
Incredible hulk (cool graphics)
James pond
Marble Madness
Mortal kombat 3
Ninja gaiden (so much better than the nes versions, this is excellent, maybe one of my best roms)
R type
Prince of persia
Penguin land
The flash

By donald duck i mean the lucky dime caper. I think the game gear version is best
For RPG-Fans:

Golden Axe Warrior
Wonderboy III: Dragon's Trap

Game Gear:
Defenders of Oasis

Some other games I like:
All Sonic games (don't forget Sonic Spinball!)
Game Gear Shinobi
Dr. Robotniks Mean Bean Machine (kinda like Tetris - but much better!)
Impossible Mission
The Newzealand Story
Lucky Dime Caper
Dozer posted on Jul 20 2003 said:
Dr. Robotniks Mean Bean Machine (kinda like Tetris - but much better!)
Yeah i played that, its pretty darn hard tho :P
Do you think so?
It took me about 30 minutes first time to finish it ;)

My favourite game of that kind it Magical Drop though... too bad we don't have a Neo Geo emulator...
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Rainbow Islands (wasa there ever a pc engine version of this?)
Ultima 4Sonics 1 & 2
Mickey Mouse Legend of illusion
Spy vs SPy
rich75 posted on Jul 20 2003 said:
Rainbow Islands (wasa there ever a pc engine version of this?)
If there was, it wasn't called Rainbow Islands. I searched my complete TG16 romset, and no matches.

Here in the states there were not nearly as many SMS games to choose from. I had (and loved) a Master System though, and there are a couple games that haven't been mentioned yet:

Alex Kidd in Miracle World
Columns (there are SMS and GG versions)
Cyborg Hunter
Phantasy Star

There are probably more that I can't think of off the top of my head.
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Enduro Racer is good, simple fun, although I recommend you track down the rare Japanese version that was dumped recently, it has 10 levels instead of the original 5.

Alex Kidd in shinobi world, in my opinion, is better than the original shinobi. It is a great game.

Sonic 1, 2 and Chaos.
For game gear, there are 3 other sonic games not available on the SMS. Sonic Triple Trouble (or Sonic & Tails), Sonic Drift, and Sonic Drift 2. Triple Trouble is the best Sonic game on any Z80 based sega platform.

Micky Mouse & the Castle of Illusion was better than Land of Illusion IMO.

Ghost House is fucking near impossible, but it IS fun, kind of, intil you throw your GP32 out the window from frustration.

Rampage for the SMS is a great port, far better than the NES version.

All of the Mortal Kombat ports are fucking horrible and will make you hate life.

The Street Fighter II port is surprisingly good, at least for a TecToy conversion.

Alex Kidd in Miracle World, duh.

Fantasy Zone 1 and 2. 3 is crap.

Road Rash, It's amazing how close this is to the Genesis/Mega Drive version. You can hardly tell the difference. Excellent job on the port.

Puzzle Bobble for the Game Gear.

Bubble Bobble for the SMS, best version EVAR!

Can't forget the original Wonderboy. Wonderboy 2 is good as well, a bit easier than the PC Engine version.

Probably more, pretty tired at the moment.
Road Rash, It's amazing how close this is to the Genesis/Mega Drive version. You can hardly tell the difference. Excellent job on the port.

It's not close, it's much better! In the Genesis version you slide around too much; the control is teghtened in the GG version.
EvilDragon posted on Jul 20 2003 said:
Dozer posted on Jul 20 2003 said:
Dr. Robotniks Mean Bean Machine (kinda like Tetris - but much better!)
Yeah i played that, its pretty darn hard tho :P
Do you think so?
It took me about 30 minutes first time to finish it ;)

My favourite game of that kind it Magical Drop though... too bad we don't have a Neo Geo emulator...
Well i thought it was hard, I didnt really stick at it tho
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