Good, but not too loooong, wargames?

So many good memories here ;)

Reminded me of MAX and MAX2 .. MAX 1 was the first(?) (possibly only?) game that was either real-time (RTS) or turn-based or blended-mode ... the devs got rushed, so they never got it quite right, but in turn based mode it was really slick, like a wargame that felt like chess -- you'd move an aircraft forward a square, see the enemy juggle his units around so you still couldn't shoot any withotu yourself getting shot.. very balanced. They'd meant to have multiplayer, but never actually got it patched in .. doh. Features on the box that never made it into the game..

Then MAX2 was meant to fix up those things they rushed, multiplayer etc. Interplay was funding it, but decided to IPO and took their in development build (it didnm't even go to beta testing!) and packaged it and sold it, just to get some extra cash to look good on the books .. it was entirely unplayable on the disc (first mission couldn't be beat) and no multiplayer again, and so on. Total disaster.

Such promise, such awesome... but epic fail :) MAX1 for DOS is still pretty good though, despite its flaws. MAX2 .. unplayable, they should've been sued ;)


I gave FFT on PSP a run, and it seems interesting but somehow doesnm't appeal to me. Too 'generic' those sorts of wargames (move/act * 2), though I understand that one gets more involved later with job control and levelling up and all that.

Civ 'scenarios' might be a good shot; they're more crafted/directed than a pure open world Civ game, so maybe they'd go faster.