Release Gonvert, a tool for units conversion


Hardcore Member
May 7, 2012
神戸市、日本 (Japan)
For those who are like me, always confused on how to convert fahrenheits into celsius degrees, feet into centimeters, kg into pounds and so on, here's a tool that should prove useful on your Pandora: Gonvert.

It also features ancient units which are not in use anymore, so this can even be useful if you happen to read old texts and want to understand the dimension being referred to.

Hope you like it - appreciate your comments and ratings in the repo.


I won't use it much but very useful in the few cases it's needed.

Especially some inc to cm is something I need now and then.
By the way, if you downloaded and tried the software, appreciate if you can leave a rating on the repo. Please make it a habit to do so. It's always a great motivator to see ratings and comments.
Could you please give me some instruction how to convert  "cm" into  "inch"?

It's too much and the Search function doesn't give me what I need.
Click Length on the left, 

Scroll down and click on centimeter (unit cm) on the right 

Enter the length in cm that you want to convert at the top

Scroll down to inch on the right and read the result.

If you click on cm, then inch they will both be at the top and you can do multiple conversions without having to continually scroll the list.

- Neelix
Click Length on the left, 

Scroll down and click on centimeter (unit cm) on the right 

Enter the length in cm that you want to convert at the top

Scroll down to inch on the right and read the result.

If you click on cm, then inch they will both be at the top and you can do multiple conversions without having to continually scroll the list.

- Neelix
exactly :)
Got it now.

Find function is useless as it doesn't find inch when I search for it.

Doing it manually works fine.

If you hold down CTRL you can also use the D-Pad to scroll through units nicely without selecting them.

This makes everything much nicer to use.
Wow, this is the most complete unit converter I have ever seen! The explanations to some of the units are a nice addition, too.

So you wrote this yourself?

Where did you get the conversion-factors from (did you use official sources like the NIST guide)?

What is the "Shortlist" check-button good for?
Nope this is not from me _ just made a PND out of it :) You can see the author info in the repo :)

I am not sure what the shortlist is for... I do not understand what this is for, yet.
Hi folks, I'm the author of Gonvert, and am very glad to see it being used on your Pandora device! Your postings popped up on my google-alert, so I thought I'd personally answer your questions.

The shortlist "feature" is not complete. It was intended to reduce the massive list of units to more commonly used units, but I could not figure out how to do that nicely and the initial code was mistakenly left in place. I'll have to just remove some day it since it looks like I'll never get around to implementing that feature.

The unit conversions were taken from various places on the net over many years, but they were not officially sanctioned by NIST, so please do not build any spaceships with it ;) . I have had many others comment and correct problems when they were found, so I am quite confident about the conversions.
Hi folks, I'm the author of Gonvert, and am very glad to see it being used on your Pandora device! Your postings popped up on my google-alert, so I thought I'd personally answer your questions.

The shortlist "feature" is not complete. It was intended to reduce the massive list of units to more commonly used units, but I could not figure out how to do that nicely and the initial code was mistakenly left in place. I'll have to just remove some day it since it looks like I'll never get around to implementing that feature.

The unit conversions were taken from various places on the net over many years, but they were not officially sanctioned by NIST, so please do not build any spaceships with it ;) . I have had many others comment and correct problems when they were found, so I am quite confident about the conversions.
Hello Anthony and thanks for coming on the boards! It's always great to see a creator in the discussions :)

Not sure how much you are willing to further work on gonvert, but a few ideas for improvements:

- a short list would be indeed very helpful, to only show the units currently in use nowadays (i.e. removing all the historical or obscure ones)

- a "favorite" list of previous conversions used would be great. That way you would not have to go through the list everytime you want to have the same conversion done. 

That's all I can think of right now. Otherwise I love Gonvert when I found it, hence the reason why I packaged it :)
Hello Anthony and thanks for coming on the boards! It's always great to see a creator in the discussions  :)

Not sure how much you are willing to further work on gonvert, but a few ideas for improvements:

- a short list would be indeed very helpful, to only show the units currently in use nowadays (i.e. removing all the historical or obscure ones)

- a "favorite" list of previous conversions used would be great. That way you would not have to go through the list everytime you want to have the same conversion done. 

That's all I can think of right now. Otherwise I love Gonvert when I found it, hence the reason why I packaged it :)
Hi Ekianjo!

Thank you for your requests! Both of them sound good and doable to some degree. Of course one persons "ancient" might be another persons "everyday". But your second request of the "favorite" or most commonly used (by the user) sounds like something that everyone would like, maybe if I just stored the recently used units and they would bubble up to the top of the sortable list somehow. I'll think about an easy way to implement it.

I've got no idea what is involved in making a .pnd, but it looks like you've done a good job of it from the other comments. Thank you!

As you probably already saw from the Python code, it would be quite easy to add new units. Let me know if you do, and I'll put them into the code permanently.