gonna-buying mine, my personal questions before doing it


Still Fresh
Jun 20, 2012
Ready to buy, but I want to check some simple and basic issues, if all satisfying I buy one for me.

1)Recovering. No mind it runs open software, I like the IDEA you can always turn back your Computer EXACLTLY LIKE IT CAME OUT OF THE BOX, I mean like when you buy a Windows PC, you have Discs (dvds etc) provided (or user self created). So I MEAN EXACTLY as it came, same software inside, same version, all. I like the IDEA, the thought, knowing I can ALWAYS go back as my device came out from the factory, then obviously I can try other OS and updated OSs.

Well: is it possible? Do you get 1 or more recovery disc inside the box? If not: how to do that? Mean knowing exactly what release OS you have and where to get THE SAME. Do you need another Linux PC to reload OS (firmware as you call...)?

2)Is it possible to uninstall part of software provided you don't use (imagine a game or application you know you never use) to free storage space? This involve again point 1)if answer is "yes" imagine you do this for a fault and want it back: how can you do?

3)I've understood you have only 512 MB for storage: where to install additional apps? I think you can put in the SD, by the way: up to what size SD Card are supported?

4)Is it true that you can turn your pandora into a digital TV using a (supported, I saw a list) USB TV Tuner, the same of Windows world?

5)Mouse, keyborad and above all Joystick from Windows world do work with pandora? I have the old style Speedlink Joystick, like the thought being able to use with games... This launches the point 6)

6)One of my dream is to turn pandoras into Amiga, above all to play the legendary Kick-off. I have WINUAE emulator on my Windows PCs, well: Does exist WINUAE for Pandora Lunux? Does it run on it?

7)Is it strong and durable, signs on keyboard keys don't wipe away?

8)Like the idea of having a mini notebook always with me: can I manage excle, word and access files from windows world back and forth from and to Pandora? Imagine writing a long text, continue a job started on a windows PC during your trip with Pandora, and when back again with your Win PC...

9)Can I use it as a video player (I mean Divx if yes up to what size?) and a mp3 walkman? This would be very useful and worth the expence.

10)Can you even print with you Win-Printer with it? maybe it depends on model, but any chance for it?

11)Touchpad like, if you don't use stylus, what keys are' Analog pads? and left and right buttons?

That's all for now, if I get satisfying answer I'll buy mine, sorry but almost 500 € are a lot for me and I want to be sure I really get the device of my dreams as it seems...

Thank you in advance to administrators (experts) and to whoever will answer me being a total newbie...
I can answer a few questions very fast

3) 512 mb is not storage,; it's RAM. for storage you need SD cards. SDHCcards are supported.

4) Only if you have the right tuner model, know how to install the drivers, and know how to overclock. Don't expectg too much ofit.

5) You need a USB hub first to connect keyboards and mouses. Speedlink joystick wouldn't work unless you have a USB adapter for it.

6) WinUAE is for Windows. Pandora is a linux machine. For Pandora we have UAE4All

7) i wouldn't worry about the keyboard, but the unit is kind of fragile. You better take care of it well.

8) No, it's NOT a windows PC. but you can use linux equivalents, like abiword, gnumeric and all.

9) Yes (but not HD player, except for some videos), yes.

10) You cannot print with it so far.

11) left and right button are dealt with the right analog pad to emulate a mouse.

Please remember this is NOT a windows device. Some of your questions seem to assume you can run windows on it or something.
1.) Yes, you can just download a firmwareimage and flash it to your internal storage via sdcard. Will be all like before and if you use an updated one, better :)

2.) PNDManager installs and uninstalls programs for you. You only have to delete the appdatadirectory (files, that the program saves) from your sd manually, but there will be an option to do that from the software later, too.

3.) The internal storage only holds your operating system and you shouldn't have to install apps to it. All apps will be single files, pnds, that you just put in the right folder on your sdcard and they will be automatically discovered and shown in the menus.

Files, that those apps create go to a folder on your sdcard.

4.) This works, if you buy the right one (see compatibility list on the wiki) or if you or someone else cacompile a linuxdriver for it.

5.) They will work, as long as they are usb 2.0 directly. If they are 1.x they should work, if you plug them into a 2.0 hub, that you connect to the Pandora.

6.) A version of uae runs on the Pandora and you can play most games up to the a500. Emulation for the 1200 and aga is in the works and in kinda betastatus right now, but it works.

7.) The plastics improved a lot and recent Pandoras are sturdy. Especially the keyboardkeys don't peel off or something.

8.) You have a lot of tools, like abiword or, if you install pandebian, a full openofficesuite, so you can work on documents on the go.

9.) Divx can be played up to 720p if the profile is not too high, but 480p should be possible at least. There are a lot of good programs, including rockbox and audacious, as well as commandline mp3players for you listeningpleasure. Also the sound othe Pandora is really good!

10.) Printing is a bit of a problem, as the normal firmware doesn't seem to include everything for it. The problem is known and could be sorted by using another distro like slakware, but you can easily copy your files to the windowspc and print them there.

11.) If you don't like to use the touchscreen, you can use the left nub for mousing and the right one for mousebuttons. But that is all configurable.

Hope this helped you :)
If not this answer questions than emulator is useful. No, I'm only joking. I'm guessing English is not your first language but I'll try to answer your questions.

6) Amiga 500 and Amiga 1200 are both emulated on Pandora.

8) You can edit/create word and excel documents with Abiword and Gnumeric



You can also get OpenOffice or LibreOffice with debian.

9) There are a few video players that support divx as well as other formats. The screen is a 5:3 WVGA screen (800x480). There are also multiple mp3 players that play even when the pandora is closed.

11) Because it is a resistive screen and the screen is relatively small using the stylus is a lot better than using your finger. The D-Pad is the directional keys. As for the nubs (analog pads) I think it is page up, page down and two other keys (I can't remember the two others).
1. You simply just reflash the latest (or even an older firmware if you prefer)

2. Most applications you will use will be single files called PND that you copy to SD cards. Uninstallation is deleting the file. Nothing more complicated than that

5. You'll only need a hub if your devices aren't USB 2.0. Mice generally aren't, but some keyboards are

8. I think Linux-SWAT got LibreOffice/OpenOffice running through Slackware, so technically, you should be able to open and work on documents. I've not tried though
Regarding #1, it is as simple as downloading a zip file (which you can do on any computer, be it Linux, Windows, Mac, or Other), extracting that to an SD card (which you should have anyway, it's required to do anything of any real meaning), and then rebooting the Pandora with the right trigger held down.

The various official firmware versions can be downloaded here. Note that all Pandoras are currently shipping with SuperZaxxon which is technically a beta firmware and therefore isn't on that list yet. You are free to go back to any older version (but why would you want to?) or get the latest version and start over fresh.
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Goood!!!!!WizardStan: this is the BEST answer for me!!! I was right: 1) discover what version you got; 2) take up the same from there... good!
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Ready to buy, but I want to check some simple and basic issues, if all satisfying I buy one for me.

1)Recovering. No mind it runs open software, I like the IDEA you can always turn back your Computer EXACLTLY LIKE IT CAME OUT OF THE BOX, I mean like when you buy a Windows PC, you have Discs (dvds etc) provided (or user self created). So I MEAN EXACTLY as it came, same software inside, same version, all. I like the IDEA, the thought, knowing I can ALWAYS go back as my device came out from the factory, then obviously I can try other OS and updated OSs.

Well: is it possible? Do you get 1 or more recovery disc inside the box? If not: how to do that? Mean knowing exactly what release OS you have and where to get THE SAME. Do you need another Linux PC to reload OS (firmware as you call...)?

2)Is it possible to uninstall part of software provided you don't use (imagine a game or application you know you never use) to free storage space? This involve again point 1)if answer is "yes" imagine you do this for a fault and want it back: how can you do?

3)I've understood you have only 512 MB for storage: where to install additional apps? I think you can put in the SD, by the way: up to what size SD Card are supported?

4)Is it true that you can turn your pandora into a digital TV using a (supported, I saw a list) USB TV Tuner, the same of Windows world?

5)Mouse, keyborad and above all Joystick from Windows world do work with pandora? I have the old style Speedlink Joystick, like the thought being able to use with games... This launches the point 6)

6)One of my dream is to turn pandoras into Amiga, above all to play the legendary Kick-off. I have WINUAE emulator on my Windows PCs, well: Does exist WINUAE for Pandora Lunux? Does it run on it?

7)Is it strong and durable, signs on keyboard keys don't wipe away?

8)Like the idea of having a mini notebook always with me: can I manage excle, word and access files from windows world back and forth from and to Pandora? Imagine writing a long text, continue a job started on a windows PC during your trip with Pandora, and when back again with your Win PC...

9)Can I use it as a video player (I mean Divx if yes up to what size?) and a mp3 walkman? This would be very useful and worth the expence.

10)Can you even print with you Win-Printer with it? maybe it depends on model, but any chance for it?

11)Touchpad like, if you don't use stylus, what keys are' Analog pads? and left and right buttons?

That's all for now, if I get satisfying answer I'll buy mine, sorry but almost 500 € are a lot for me and I want to be sure I really get the device of my dreams as it seems...

Thank you in advance to administrators (experts) and to whoever will answer me being a total newbie...

all im gona say is this. GET THE DAMN PANDORA!!!! nothing will go wrong. this mini computer will keep me entertained for a lifetime!! yes you heard me, a LIFETIME!!
The D-Pad is the directional keys. As for the nubs (analog pads) I think it is page up, page down and two other keys (I can't remember the two others).
Just a minor correction here, if I may. :)

The d-pad does indeed act as the arrow keys, but the analogue nubs don't handle Page Up, Page Down, and so on. Those are the domain of the game buttons - "Y" (the topmost one) is Page Up, with "X" acting as Page Down at the bottom, Home is on "A" (the left-most game-button), and End is "B" (the right-hand one). This helps to make thumb-typing very quick and easy.