Virgin Play Mail-bombing (gp32spain,gp32x...)

Will you join the mail-bombing event to VIRGIN PLAY

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  • NO:

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please, calm, we don't want a war, one or two spanish people isn't all the community, and don't represent the community. By the way, Virgin did a really bad import of the gp32 with only 5 games and if they want they can translate the game cause if the pay probably sonnori can let tools for translate the game. But isn't only ASR, also Mill, Kimchian, etc, Virgin will earn money with that games and we would be happy. I don't think is so difficult.
And please, don't be rude cause for me (and most of spanish people) is very difficult to speak/undersand english and we try out that.
Did nobody read what Hando posted. Virgin has nothing to do with the distribution of ASR. It will not help anything at all. If you want ASR in english, than we need to chip in and pay someone to translate it or something.
how about that a small bunch of 12 year olds who clearly don't understand that Virgin will never translate it don't spoil the already minimal relations GP32 users have with Virgin and Gamepark by flooding them with emails?

ps. I claim the prize for the longest unpunctuated sentence in this thread.
fagotero posted on Sep 9 2004 at 10:10 AM said:
Hi at

My I´m fagotero and I´m going to ask you if you will do "mail-bombing", like sending e-mails, create posts in the VIRGIN PLAY forum, we are making in a poll about that, and for now, it seems that EVERBODY it´s gonna do it.

The reason for mail-bombing, translate ASR into english.

For now, there´re no more questions, if you would like to help us, only tell us, and we will say the day and at what time this will happen.

See you!

em, ok. come back when you have learned to write in english, kthx =)
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czar posted on Sep 9 2004 at 03:36 PM said:
em, ok. come back when you have learned some english, kthx =)
That's really unnecessary. You don't have to agree with the idea but the message is perfectly clear, no need to ***** about his english.
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jare posted on Sep 9 2004 at 12:35 PM said:
Hay q joderse con los putos guiris, pos si no os parece una buena idea, decir otra, panda de estupidos. :P en lugar de criticarla.

A ver si aprendemos español q pareceis mu cortitos.

Now in English: Learn spanish
So English speakers talking in English board should learn Spanish just to understand your free insults and unapropiate manners. [Sarcasm] Woah... what a great idea! [/Sarcarsm]

Back on the main subject:
The English ASR translation would be a great idea, but I don't think this is the right way to achieve it.
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Gamepark don't do shit about the gp32 and we don't mailbomb them.

If eveyone at gp32spain is voting yes the forum must be full of twats.
I, i am spanish, there is no war between gp32x and gp32spain forum ;)

We only said a idea and if U don't want to use it only say : NO [we don't want replys how: "stupid child... terrorist.... :blink: :blink: :blink: :( :( <_< :wacko: :wacko: ]

Beers for all , and peace :)


P.D: sorry for my nglish .... (it is basic :P :D )
As much as the idea is stupid, telling a spanish person to "come back when you learn english" is pretty unfair. Especially when his English wasn't even that bad.

I don't know why my in jest terrorism comment was taken so seriously
BeaR posted on Sep 9 2004 at 05:16 PM said:
I, i am spanish, there is no war between gp32x and gp32spain forum ;)

We only said a idea and if U don't want to use it only say : NO [we don't want replys how: "stupid child... terrorist.... :blink: :blink: :blink: :( :( <_< :wacko: :wacko: ]

Beers for all , and peace :)


P.D: sorry for my nglish .... (it is basic :P :D )

Well, while you're probably right that you shouldn't be called stupid, you got to be aware of the fact that mailbombing (or mass mailing) doesn't make you look smart. Especially when Virgin doesn't have anything to do with the product you want to be translated. That's basically like writing an article in a british newspaper telling other people to send tons of letters and emails containing "Please introduce a right-steered version of the BMW 328i" to Volkswagen.
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BeaR posted on Sep 9 2004 at 04:16 PM said:
We only said a idea and if U don't want to use it only say : NO [we don't want replys how: "stupid child... terrorist.... :blink: :blink: :blink: :( :( <_< :wacko: :wacko: ]

The thing is, we don't just not want to do it, we don't want anyone else to do it either, as it will not help anything and will just piss Virgin Play off and make them less likely to do anything for the GP32 community, if they think it's full of twats.
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I'm spanish, and i am not the indicated person to talk here, because i don't really care about ASR, but why don't you just stop flaming and, how they said, just say that you disagree with the idea? Yeah, you will think that the idea is a "childy idea", but flaming it's really a "childy action".


EDIT: Oh, and the spanish guys that they are insulting in spanish: That's the lamest thing in the thread.
jare posted on Sep 9 2004 at 12:35 PM said:
Hay q joderse con los putos guiris, pos si no os parece una buena idea, decir otra, panda de estupidos.  :P  en lugar de criticarla.

A ver si aprendemos español q pareceis mu cortitos.

Now in English: Learn spanish

Um, this is an English language board, If you want to speak Spanish stay on the Spanish board <_< or "learn/speak English". It would be like me going to a Spanish board and telling everyone to speak/learn English.

And I think that the idea of mail bombing would succeed...... In pissing them off. You are lucky they sell the GP32 at all. If they get hassled too much thay may decide it is not worth the trouble and drop the GP32 entirely. In short, bad idea.
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Mmmm...this thread is getting dumb. So, basically, we are allowed to type "No", but we arn't allowed to post our opinion on the matter.


Plus, all you are going to do is show how dumb you are by participating, no matter how bad Virgin Play went about it, we still have to credit them with getting a launch off the ground.
This we do it in order that they translate it, but certainly that you would buy it

PD.Sorry for my English,¿ Good guy than damn it do I have to know English and you Spanish no? :angry:

I´m Spanish. :D

I´ve got a GP32. :P

Fagotero is my partner(as many of others in this post). :angry:

I have some friends from England, and I´d like to say that our way of doing things is the Spanish Way Of Doing Things(quite similar to the English one, but not exactly the same).
I didn´t like what you said about my friends ,but this is due to a lack of information from your side:

-We are not terrorists :ph34r: (except for Timofonic, but he isn´t here...).
-With the Spainsh Way of doing things, GP32 scene has grown better this last years (since was available). B)
-As Trajata would say:"Balla uno jirri der karajop, jilopoya y mamoonne.K soi to má feeo qe el Fary shupando limone, y ma perro que lo ojo de ezpinete,qe se mobian meno qe el portero del fubolín.No no toqey lo cogone.Vorrashos,qe soi uno vorrasho.julyghands"
-If we keep this way, MAILBOMBING this site, we think we can get our ASR in SPANISH.
-One last questions:
A)"Would you do the same if you see ASR translated in SPANISH?(richest idiom than the english one, because our words have more meanings and we can easily separate meanings depending on the context.Example: Being as a temporal/relative state{estar in Spanish} and Being as an absolute/atemporal state{ser}; that is something that English people can´t do with his languaje, at least in such an easy way).

B)Didn´t you know that there is an E.C.C. law against posting like a dick-head?

Greetings, new partners.
Fuck more(mediterranean essence of life).
PD:Does anybody know David Alexander Moseley from Sheffield?
Cut that crap. If you want to do it the spanish way, do it the spanish way (even though I'm pretty sure most spanish people would deny that getting on other people's nerves is the spanish way), but stop putting other people up to reach your own goals.
See it as it is: Even if the game was published by Virgin (which it obviously isn't), they would treat your translation wishes (you could in general forget about spanish, english is probably the max you could squeeze out of 'em) the same way they release new commercial GP32 games and equipment: not at all. They wanted to sell a cheap divx/mp3-player, they never cared much about games.
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