Goldeneye Port?


Jan 30, 2009
I loved Goldeneye. A lot of people did. And one thing I would just love to see a a portable version of it for Pandora. Now I know making a complete game like this from scratch would be extremely hard, but I was thinking we could get a mod of an open source engine like Doom going with the original levels. It's been done. Even for Wii homebrew. (I have it)

If we could achieve even a rudimentary port like this, I would be happy.

One other thing. I've never tried Quake, so I don't know if it is anything like Goldeneye, and if that could be used as a base instead.

This is all hypothetical. I don't code. I'm just putting the idea out there. What do you guys think?
If it's a doom WAD (and it seems to be) then all we need to do is port doom, correct?

The wii version seems to be using the GP32 version of the WAD, judging from the title screen.
That goldeneye mod is just a total conversion of doom, you would just need the game files to play it on any doom client (which the pandora already has), I don't see why you would want to play it though because it's just goldeneye levels in doom and doesn't play like goldeneye at all.

If we get a good N64 emulator we might be able to play the real goldeneye, but that's up to a developer. AFAIK nobody is currently working on an N64 emu for Pandora
A total conversion with the music, sound effects and uprated graphics could work, I'd imagine you'd need Quake 2 or the Quake 3 engine for it to be more true to the original though.
Enverex said:
A total conversion with the music, sound effects and uprated graphics could work, I'd imagine you'd need Quake 2 or the Quake 3 engine for it to be more true to the original though.
That's more of what I was thinking.

And the wii thing there was just an example to show that it could be done on a basic level with little effort. And I did say "an open source engine like Doom"That's the one that came to mind because of the Wii level mod. It definitely doesn't have to be doom and probably shouldn't be.
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Not that I want to crush everyone's enthusiasm but I'm pretty sure an N64 emu is inevitable once someone actually gets on it. So you could end up putting one hell of a lot of effort into duplicating a game when the original can be played anyway.
There is my game Kurok, based on the quake 1 engine, with inspiration taken from Goldeneye for some weapons and levels, as well as Turok :) Check my sig. There is a PC version of it too, not just a PSP version.

I'll try porting Kurok over to the Pandora sometime.
Video: "Este vídeo se ha suprimido debido a una infracción de los términos de uso."

Admittedly the game does look like Goldeneye a lot though which is good (major step up from Doom) but for those looking for Goldeneye, it probably wont suffice as... it's not Goldeneye :P The engine would be an excellent place to start a conversion though.