Anyone Here Willing

Would any coders on this forum, not busy in a project of their own, be up to developing game along s

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'ninjamonkey' said:
Actually not of your scenarios are the case. I never said I was 15; Im actually older. And the thing is I come up with ideas, but have no way to implement them. That the true scenario, if you think otherwise that your opinion.

If you actually think that what I post about, I'm doing it because that what I hope to see on the pandora. Plus, there isnt a need to be jerks about them. You could just like no. You guys may have said that in the past. Thing is no one takes the idea into account even though it maybe bad in your minds. alright?

edit: miner46er neither of your scenarios about me are right.
Shouldn`t it be "miner69er", I`m so taking that username.

Ninjamonkey: Once we've got TINCS in a playable form, I'm going to expose some of the server mechanics and client systems to LUA. So, it will be possible to create mods. For example your Goldeneye game you so desperately want to make :D

You should really learn a skill, like programming, then it stops being you wanting a team and it moves over to teams wanting you. It's a good position having a large choice of how and where you want to work.

Best of luck to you.
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Actually not of your scenarios are the case. I never said I was 15; Im actually older. And the thing is I come up with ideas, but have no way to implement them. That the true scenario, if you think otherwise that your opinion.

If you actually think that what I post about, I'm doing it because that what I hope to see on the pandora. Plus, there isnt a need to be jerks about them. You could just like no. You guys may have said that in the past. Thing is no one takes the idea into account even though it maybe bad in your minds. alright?

edit: miner46er neither of your scenarios about me are right.
Shouldn`t it be "miner69er", I`m so taking that username.

Ninjamonkey: Once we've got TINCS in a playable form, I'm going to expose some of the server mechanics and client systems to LUA. So, it will be possible to create mods. For example your Goldeneye game you so desperately want to make :D

You should really learn a skill, like programming, then it stops being you wanting a team and it moves over to teams wanting you. It's a good position having a large choice of how and where you want to work.

Best of luck to you.

Thank you for answering my question, reasonably.

Edit: One more thing there is someone developing a Halo game for the PSP which he will ported to the pandora at a later date with better graphics.
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'Butterman' said:
'r00tw00t' said:
I don''t want to see (more (tincs is nice)) FPS games on the Pandora. FPS games require for me a mouse and keyboard and is IMHO unplayable with analog thumbpads. What I like too see is a hockey game or any sports game :P
I'd like to see you argue that against the thousands of Halo 3 players. I really would.

I have tried. Those idiots don't listen. :( I could ramble on about their crappy generic scifi design all day but I've got better things to do with my time. :D

Somewhat on topic: If you want FPS games on the Pandora, look at Quake (+Q2+Q3+Doom etc.) mods rather than Source mods. Those might actually work. For example, I have high hopes for Smokin' Guns although that would probably require a bit of work by someone who can actually code.
For control, well, connect a USB mouse. Or turn the Pandora on it's side and use the touchscreen, like on the DS. Or try to get along with the bloody dual analog. We've got lots of options for everyone's tastes! B)
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'ninjamonkey' said:
Actually not of your scenarios are the case. I never said I was 15; Im actually older. And the thing is I come up with ideas, but have no way to implement them. That the true scenario, if you think otherwise that your opinion.

If you actually think that what I post about, I'm doing it because that what I hope to see on the pandora. Plus, there isnt a need to be jerks about them. You could just like no. You guys may have said that in the past. Thing is no one takes the idea into account even though it maybe bad in your minds. alright?

edit: miner46er neither of your scenarios about me are right.
You want to come with ideas? I can come with ideas too. Im now going a topic for every game/engine/app Id like to see ported , no matter if it is opensource or not even if the devs of that thing said they are never going to port it to the pandora or give us the source to port it ourselves. And you know whats the best I DONT EVEN HAVE PROGRAMMING NOR MODELLING SKILLS AT ALL BUT IM GOING TO START MILLIONS OF FAKKING TOPICS.

/sarcasm off

no soz I rofl at this topic.

Edit: Check the topics he made: half of it are about game ideas or starting projects he likes to see.
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'Mithrildor' said:
'ninjamonkey' said:
Actually not of your scenarios are the case. I never said I was 15; Im actually older. And the thing is I come up with ideas, but have no way to implement them. That the true scenario, if you think otherwise that your opinion.

If you actually think that what I post about, I''''m doing it because that what I hope to see on the pandora. Plus, there isnt a need to be jerks about them. You could just like no. You guys may have said that in the past. Thing is no one takes the idea into account even though it maybe bad in your minds. alright?

edit: miner46er neither of your scenarios about me are right.
You want to come with ideas? I can come with ideas too. Im now going a topic for every game/engine/app Id like to see ported , no matter if it is opensource or not even if the devs of that thing said they are never going to port it to the pandora or give us the source to port it ourselves. And you know whats the best I DONT EVEN HAVE PROGRAMMING NOR MODELLING SKILLS AT ALL BUT IM GOING TO START MILLIONS OF FAKKING TOPICS.

/sarcasm off

no soz I rofl at this topic.

Edit: Check the topics he made: half of it are about game ideas or starting projects he likes to see.

alright, I think we got the point. Your beating a dead horse
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'Mithrildor' said:
You want to come with ideas? I can come with ideas too. Im now going a topic for every game/engine/app Id like to see ported , no matter if it is opensource or not even if the devs of that thing said they are never going to port it to the pandora or give us the source to port it ourselves. And you know whats the best I DONT EVEN HAVE PROGRAMMING NOR MODELLING SKILLS AT ALL BUT IM GOING TO START MILLIONS OF FAKKING TOPICS.

/sarcasm off

no soz I rofl at this topic.

Edit: Check the topics he made: half of it are about game ideas or starting projects he likes to see.
Good, you do that, I'm going to make over other post I make be about how much I really want N64 emulation.
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'Exophase' said:
'Mithrildor' said:
You want to come with ideas? I can come with ideas too. Im now going a topic for every game/engine/app Id like to see ported , no matter if it is opensource or not even if the devs of that thing said they are never going to port it to the pandora or give us the source to port it ourselves. And you know whats the best I DONT EVEN HAVE PROGRAMMING NOR MODELLING SKILLS AT ALL BUT IM GOING TO START MILLIONS OF FAKKING TOPICS.

/sarcasm off

no soz I rofl at this topic.

Edit: Check the topics he made: half of it are about game ideas or starting projects he likes to see.
Good, you do that, I'm going to make over other post I make be about how much I really want N64 emulation.

But that makes sense. There are alot of people wanting that. That is actually possible (porting a closed source program requiring a copywrited engine is not possible).
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'ttcircus' said:
'Gruso' said:
'r00tw00t' said:
FPS games require for me a mouse and keyboard and is IMHO unplayable with analog thumbpads. What I like too see is a hockey game or any sports game :P

News flash: Pandora has a keyboard. :-p WASD + mouse, no longer confined to the desktop. Bring it.
News Flash: If you look like the guy in your picture, your fingers might be long and thin enough to use the keyboard to play fps. Otherwise, if you're a normal human being, it might be a bit tricky!

News Flash: The left stick could probably cover all your WASD needs. You could probably also use keys a little further apart, nothing mandates the use of W, A, S and D as movement keys. As for the mouselook, well I have this lovely little Logitech VX Nano that's just beggin' to be plugged into this thing. The excitement! I agree with Gruso, bring it.

I'm sure there's plenty of room for all genres. I'm hoping to eventually produce some Thief-type game for Pandora. You know, with all that time and expertise I have. :P

PS - I hope Halo isn't being touted as the measure of FPS perfection; that thing's shallower than a puddle o' mouse pee.
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The only reason Halo got so much momentum behind it is that it was the only reasonable FPS on the XBox console at its time. There was a ton of anticipation behind it, since at the time the XBox was being greatly overshadowed by the PS2 and not getting very many decent games. It wasn't great, but it was all they had so, by golly, it was the BEST DARNED FPS THEY'D EVAR PLAYED!

And for some reason that simply stuck.
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'White Flame' said:
The only reason Halo got so much momentum behind it is that it was the only reasonable FPS on the XBox console at its time. There was a ton of anticipation behind it, since at the time the XBox was being greatly overshadowed by the PS2 and not getting very many decent games. It wasn't great, but it was all they had so, by golly, it was the BEST DARNED FPS THEY'D EVAR PLAYED!

And for some reason that simply stuck.
That undoubtedly helped. It was the first time console gaming got a taste of what the PC FPS gaming community had for a good while.
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'Loonie' said:
I'm hoping to eventually produce some Thief-type game for Pandora. You know, with all that time and expertise I have. :P
I'm hoping that was not sarcastic. I'd love to see a thief style game on the Pandora.
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'TeaJunky' said:
I'm hoping that was not sarcastic. I'd love to see a thief style game on the Pandora.
The 'time' bit is pretty sarcastic, my skills are untried to this degree, although they do exist in a raw form. Honest. I'm hoping the arrival of Pandora will be the thing to spur me into making the push.

I love the hell out of the Thief series.
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you should make it 2D. I love thief to death but I feel theres a huge lack of 2D stealth/thief type games