Gods damned nubs

So, in summary, it happens to most Pandoras to some degree. But if some people don't get it badly it must, as Ingoreis suggests, be something to do with a variable quality in manufacture of the hardware.

I find the nub reset is essentially a random process. I generally get a different kind of problem after doing it, so press it a few times until its OK. I honestly think Thinkpad-eque nipples would be preferable to the current nubs, albeit far from ideal themselves.

"All in all, I don't think its a very big issue, but it's certainly a little bit annoying when it occurs."

For me it is unfortunately.
Why dont you send your Pandora for repair then? They can probably provide a new SOC if still under warranty.
Fifth time lucky, perhaps. I have thought about it. But it seems (from this thread) like the best that would be likely to happen is that I'd get one with slightly different & lesser nub problems, not actual reliably function nubs. If the general consensus was that it was a minority problem then I certainly would.