Godot Support

I don't think so. t has to be recompiled on the Pandora.

Sorry I meant to @ptitSeb - I meant is it possible/feasible/likely that the 3.4 GD runtime (not editor) could run with GLES2 on Pandora. Not that your (@KidPaddle ) compiled Pyra runtime could work there! Sorry that's what I get for rushing a forum post!
Sorry I meant to @ptitSeb - I meant is it possible/feasible/likely that the 3.4 GD runtime (not editor) could run with GLES2 on Pandora. Not that your (@KidPaddle ) compiled Pyra runtime could work there! Sorry that's what I get for rushing a forum post!
I haven't reallly followed / read the thread sorry. So I'm not sure what the current version is and how it runs. Is it running gl4es? If that's the case, you can try to run with LIBGL_SHRINK=11 env.var. to have support for 4096x4096 texture (with automatic downsampling to respect the hardware limitation).
I use the gl4es from ptitSeb so it can theoretically run Godot 3.3 or Godot 3.4.2rc (testing today) runtime.

My Pandora is currently unavailable, I can't compile it.

Scratch that. I took a look around, and I don’t have my Pandora with me. I’m out of state on paternity, and likely can’t visit my storage unit back home until at least February.

If anyone else wants to try building on their Pandora with Codeblocks PND, I can try to help advise. If I recall correctly, these are the main points:

- Godot 3 will build, but not the newest releases. I had to go back to a version from a year or two ago. Pretty sure it had to do with the python version in Codeblocks PND being too old to support the minimum required SCons version. I think @ptitSeb might have fixed that by updating python in the latest codeblocks release, though.
- The python paths in the Codeblocks PND don’t play super nice with SCons configurations in Godot source.You have to manually modify a couple files to hard code paths to the correct SCons installation folder and python version.
Added package of demo shooter on a sphere with Godot 3.4.1rc2.

Package: Spheroblast
Source: github repository

It is using a complex shader:
// 2D Radial Distortion Shader //

// Screen space shader for Godot, based on: https://gist.github.com/aggregate1166877/a889083801d67917c26c12a98e7f57a7

shader_type canvas_item;

uniform float aspect = 1.0;
uniform float distortion = 1.0;
uniform float radius = 1.0;
uniform float alpha = 1.0;
uniform float crop = 1.0;
uniform vec4 crop_color : hint_color = vec4(0,0,0,1);

vec2 distort(vec2 p)
    float d = length(p);
    float z = sqrt(distortion + d * d * -distortion);
    float r = atan(d, z) / 3.1415926535;
    float phi = atan(p.y, p.x);
    return vec2(r * cos(phi) * (1.0 / aspect) + 0.5, r * sin(phi) + 0.5);

void fragment()
    vec2 xy = (SCREEN_UV * 2.0 - 1.0); // move origin of UV coordinates to center of screen

    xy = vec2(xy.x * aspect, xy.y); // adjust aspect ratio

    float d = length(xy); // distance from center

    vec4 tex;

    if (d < radius)
        xy = distort(xy);
        tex = texture(SCREEN_TEXTURE, xy);
        COLOR = tex;
        COLOR.a = alpha;

    // radial crop
    if (d > crop)
        COLOR = crop_color;

I think that's what makes the game so slow. Maybe it can be simplified.
