

Jan 6, 2007
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Hi everyone,

I have ported GnuGO and its PSP frontend PSPGGO to GP2X.

From those who don't know, GO is a strategic board game coming from ancient china.
More details here:

Options available:
- Game against GP2X or against another human player.
- Board size selection
- Level selection
- Handicap, komi
- Unlimited undo, and complete game replay
- Help file with keys and go rules.

Some options are still not implemented:
- CPU frequency choice
- Loading/Saving SGF

You can download it here:



This is my first GP2X contribution, I hope you will enjoy it. Feedback is welcome.
Amazing... I've been waiting for Go on the 2x for aaaaages (even if it's never going to be that strong). Can't wait for SGF loading to be implemented :D

Many many thanks!
This is awesome. I love Go and now I can play it on the go ;)
Thank you so much!
adso posted on Feb 11 2007 at 09:34 PM said:
Really good work! This game is so difficult..I loose 4/4 games
I Have startet with Playfield size 5 and Level 0 and I haven't even got a single point....never ever... :( The CPU always beats me. CPU can always surround my stones and I always try to use different tactics from the beginning. I would be proud, if I could steal one single stone from the cpu... ^^"""""""
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This is truly awesome!! Didn't find any bugs yet. It plays nice and smooth and is reasonably fast. Seems like a clean, bang up port job.

I had to fire up some old untranslated NES or SNES roms when I felt like being trunced at Go, not anymore!!

Maybe this port will be a bit less popular than some emulators, but the GP2X NEEDED GnuGo and now it has it, thanks :)
My game had some crashes where it hangs or it kick me back to the GP2X Menu.
It seems, that the AI really needs a lot of CPU. I only use 9x9 fields and when you let the GP2X play against the GP2X (yes, that's possible) it can take ages for one move. :lol:
Of course - it's go! The game that the most powerful supercomputers in the world can't play well! There's just too many possibilities, and humans are better at seeing many moves ahead than computers in situations where you can play any of (at full size, and only approximately) (19*19-(number of moves so far)) in each turn. And there's no easy way to assess whether any one move will be good or not; unlike chess, there is no king, nor any real chance of taking all pieces.

Computers and go above about 14k don't mix. But they're still fun to play against, even if you know they're not exactly strong.
Here's an updated version of my logo for this game. The old one looked too much like Othello instead of Go.


Just name it to gnugo2x-0.png (actually it's already named that) and put it in the same folder as your gnugo2x-0.gpe file.
saehn: thanks for the icon!

hal9000: GREAT port, thanks for the interface, quite enjoyable. i suck but it's fun.

my only request: user definable keys. i want to use the volume buttons to step forward and back in a moves list. or shoulders could work as well.