Gnuboy screen problems?


Psychotic Trans-dimensional Being
May 20, 2008
So I found ED's gnuboy pnd, tried it out, it seems nice, can't work well when there are for some random reason 40 editions of Pokemon blue in one single 7z, but that's okay.

However, It seems I cannot get scaling to work. I select the game, the zenity prompt comes up asking for what resolution, I have tried every option, and it seems like it isn't even getting to the arg variable in the .sh that runs for it.

I have tried to press enter on the one I want, I have tried to select the one I want and press OK, and I have double tapped the one I want, all result with the screen not being scaled.

I have reset twice now, and it seems like that is unrelated.

I also thought of putting this in the support section, but it looks like that is mostly hardware related.

EDIT: now it seems like it is trying to scale, but it is just black, and it semi-crashes, so when I try to kill it through ssh, I get a black box staying on the screen, which only goes away if I reset, it seems unrelated to the xsession as I have tried logging out...

EDIT: redownloaded again, acts just like the first description, not sure what caused the stuff in the second download :/

EDIT: looks like I will just use visualboy advance for now, though it can't handle zipped roms.
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Vba running on 900mhz runs full speed with good sound and plays all of my gba games,some of them games don't work gpsp at all,so it not good as vba,i tried controller on vba doesn't work.
Hm, the one on my Pandora scales nicely. I'm gonna replace it with the one on the repo.

Maybe I accidentally uploaded a beta testing version?