Gngeo2x & Rage2x: Can't Load Roms - Detailed Description


Still Fresh
May 3, 2006
Hi all,

So I have the latest GnGeo2x (0611) and Rage2x. I've got the full pack of bios in the roms folder of my gngeo2x folder (11 files - I just stuck the lot in there). I got Metal Slug 1, 2, 3 and 4 (I think from SITE NAME REOMVED ... SILLY!), put the zip files in the same roms folder as the bios and ran the Rage2x app from the Skins folder on the GP2X.

It lists all the roms it will run, but says none are available. When I try running gngeo2x alone, without the front end, and try to run the roms (which I can see in the roms folder if I do it this way) it kicks me back to the menu screens.

I had a look at the romrc file and compared to the unzipped Metal Slug files. They seem to be the same, except mine are called things like 201-c1.rom etc, whereas the romrc list has 201-c1.bin

So I changed all the .rom endings on the Metal Slug 1 files to .bin, zipped it back up to using Stuffit, popped it back into the roms folder in the gngeo2x folder and tried again.

Still nothing.

Tried downloading a different file, unzipping the 11 files into the roms folder (replacing the other set, in case they were bad) but still nothing.

So, what am I doing wrong? :(
JyCet posted on May 25 2006 at 10:49 AM said:
Try to analyse your rom set with clearmame/romcenter or another rom analyser tool for MAME.
Is there one of these tools made for the Apple Mac? :(

Also, I'm not trying to use the neogeo roms on mame, but on gngeo2x - does that make a difference?

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I worked with pepone and in next release CF file will be completly supported and fully worked.
For this actual public release 0.7.7 it's only a test. When I release a program I never hive any options, all are activated, that's why I wrote beta test for all CF file part :)
In next release you ll be able to choose beetween general config or dedicated CF file if exist

I'm sorry but I dont know any macos tools :(
If your roms set work with last MAME then they can theoretically work with gngeo
JyCet, very good, thank you!

Owen-b, I use Mac OS X on iBook G4 with GP2X with no problem. You better download NeoGeo ROMset ready for GP2X, from
Can anybody help with GnGeo2x configuration?
Latest version of GnGeo2x (0.6.12) has buttons remapped, compare to previous version. It's not good in fighting games: now we got kick buttons laying higher then punch buttons.
Is it possible to remap buttons back? I can't found it in config file.

In previous version, NeoGeo's A and B buttons was mapped to GP2X's A and Y. NeoGeo's C and D buttons was mapped to GP2X's X and B. It was very comfortable. Now it all jumped from the feets to the head.
owen-b, i would suggest you use the uni-bios.

once you've put the file in the roms folder, open the gngeorc file in /conf, and change "system" from "home" or "arcade" to "unibios" (without quotes). you can also press select in rage2x and change the system to unibios there, just to make sure it works ;)

try different roms as well. and FYI: pressing start + select in game gives you a small menu. pressing A+B+C at the unibios splash screen lets you change system and country.