

Still Fresh
Dec 10, 2005
Victoria, BC
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So I downloaded Gngeo, made a gpe that looks like this:
cd /mnt/sd/gngeo
exec /mnt/sd/gngeo/gngeo.gpe /roms/ --sound
And it says invalid romset found. I also tried it with KOF '96 and the same thing happens. Does anyone know how to fix this?

By the way, the roms work perfectly on Kawaks. <_<
I use selector, which works great for me on gngeo, so I can't comment on the script.

As for the roms though, I think you may be using the 'arcade' rom for the games that work with Kawaks and MAME. I believe the contents of the pure neogeo rom itself are different from the MAME rom zip file. Try downloading the neo geo version of the games instead of the MAME version and see if that works. I can confirm that neodrift works with gngeo though....
"pure neo geom rom" doesn't mean anything; Theres Neo Geo MVS (arcade) roms, and Neo Geo CD (CDs, for the AES home system.)

Is the rom on the nand? If not it should be /mnt/s/roms/

Oops, I posted the wrong gpe. <_<

Here's the one I have:
cd /mnt/sd/gngeo
exec /mnt/sd/gngeo/gngeo.gpe mnt/sd/gngeo/roms/

I also tried changing the SD to S, but that still didn't work. :(
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your script should look like this if your roms are in /gngeo/roms.

cd /mnt/sd/gngeo
exec /mnt/sd/gngeo/gngeo.gpe roms/ --sound

you had one too many "/" in this code

cd /mnt/sd/gngeo
exec /mnt/sd/gngeo/gngeo.gpe /roms/ --sound
"pure neo geom rom" doesn't mean anything; Theres Neo Geo MVS (arcade) roms, and Neo Geo CD (CDs, for the AES home system.)


If there are only MVS roms and CDs, how come neo geo games are usually listed under three categories on most sites; neo geo roms for MAME, neo geo roms, and neo geo cd images, with all 3 files having different contents?
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your script should look like this if your roms are in /gngeo/roms.

cd /mnt/sd/gngeo
exec /mnt/sd/gngeo/gngeo.gpe roms/ --sound

you had one too many "/" in this code

cd /mnt/sd/gngeo
exec /mnt/sd/gngeo/gngeo.gpe /roms/ --sound

Nope, still didn't work.... :(
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I checked the romrc dat file and it list 2 type of romsets. One is named 213 and the other is drift. Check your romset and see if the filename are the same as romrc dat file. Some have "-" or "_" and some end in *.bin or *.rom. That's all I can come up with if you get the error invalid romset.
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i can get the set to load, but kof94 says that some roms is missing like sm-2.rom (something like that, looks like bios files) and metal slug X i get a out of memory error o.0

and yes, i have an unzipped bios in my roms folder
what can i do?
i can get the set to load, but kof94 says that some roms is missing like sm-2.rom (something like that, looks like bios files) and metal slug X i get a out of memory error o.0

and yes, i have an unzipped bios in my roms folder
what can i do?

sm-2.rom is AFAIK not a bios rom, sm1.sm1 is, but is not needed by the emulator. I updated the wiki today to list only the bios roms that are actually needed as posted by pepone.

What is the exact error message you get with KOF 94?

If it mentions either ***_s1.rom or ***_m1.rom missing then your KOF 94 archieve is either incomplete or incorrectly named. Check the contents of the zip against the naming convetion in the romrc file in the gngeo folder.

Have you changed the gngeorc file in the gngeo\conf folder?
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Can someone tell/show me how you're supposed to run the graphics dummper for windows. I'm a retard.
Put the roms you want to convert in your dumpgfx_win folder.

Windows start button click on run.

Type "cmd" minus the " ".

Command prompt will open.

Now you need to change directory to where you have the dumpgfx_win folder.

Type "cd path to your dumpgfx_win folder"

i.e. cd C:\Documents and Settings\Username\Desktop\dumpgfx_win

Type "dumpgfx" i.e. dumpgfx

All being well after a short pause a .gfx dump will appear. You can then copy the .zip and .gfx to your rom directory.

One point of note.

If the .zip fails to open with a couldn't load message, you will need to check .zip contents to see if the files inside match the names of the files used by romrc. To view the romrc just use wordpad and search for the filename, there is usually more than one listing for each title. You can try renaming the files and making a archive.

The other scenario is that you are trying to dump an encrypted rom and you will need to go looking for decrypted files in order to make a new .zip archive.

Finally, I did a post on the main GnGeo2x topic in reply to antidark, who came up with a great idea for reducing the space taken by games with a .gfx dump file.

To read that click here.

It's worth it. ;)
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