Can anyone help me? here is the code:
cd /mnt/sd/bin
exec /mnt/sd/bin/madplay --adjust-volume=0 -z -r /mnt/sd/mp3s/*.mp3&
cd /mnt/sd/games/gngeo2x
exec /mnt/sd/games/gngeo2x/gngeo.gpe /mnt/sd/games/gngeo2x/roms/
Contained in a .gpu
After I exit it still continues to play, is there a way I can kill madplay on exit? I took a look at the qlaunch_mp3s.gpe file and tried to figure out how to kill madplay after exiting gngeo2x but I have absolutely no programming skills, would anyone have a quick solution?
I also tried to ...copy what I saw in the qlaunce_mp3s.gpe file here's my result:
cd /mnt/sd/bin
exec /mnt/sd/bin/madplay --adjust-volume=0 -z -r /mnt/sd/mp3s/*.mp3&
cd /mnt/sd/games/gngeo2x
exec /mnt/sd/games/gngeo2x/gngeo.gpe /mnt/sd/games/gngeo2x/roms/
mount /mnt/sd -o remount,async
madplay_pid=`pidof madplay`
echo "kill -9 $madplay_pid" >> /mnt/sd/bin/madplay_output.txt
kill -9 $madplay_pid
cd /usr/gp2x/
exec /usr/gp2x/gp2xmenu
I tried to make the appropriate directory changes and all but..if I look rather lame for doing, sorry!
I'd appreciate any help, thanks a lot.
cd /mnt/sd/bin
exec /mnt/sd/bin/madplay --adjust-volume=0 -z -r /mnt/sd/mp3s/*.mp3&
cd /mnt/sd/games/gngeo2x
exec /mnt/sd/games/gngeo2x/gngeo.gpe /mnt/sd/games/gngeo2x/roms/
Contained in a .gpu
After I exit it still continues to play, is there a way I can kill madplay on exit? I took a look at the qlaunch_mp3s.gpe file and tried to figure out how to kill madplay after exiting gngeo2x but I have absolutely no programming skills, would anyone have a quick solution?
I also tried to ...copy what I saw in the qlaunce_mp3s.gpe file here's my result:
cd /mnt/sd/bin
exec /mnt/sd/bin/madplay --adjust-volume=0 -z -r /mnt/sd/mp3s/*.mp3&
cd /mnt/sd/games/gngeo2x
exec /mnt/sd/games/gngeo2x/gngeo.gpe /mnt/sd/games/gngeo2x/roms/
mount /mnt/sd -o remount,async
madplay_pid=`pidof madplay`
echo "kill -9 $madplay_pid" >> /mnt/sd/bin/madplay_output.txt
kill -9 $madplay_pid
cd /usr/gp2x/
exec /usr/gp2x/gp2xmenu
I tried to make the appropriate directory changes and all but..if I look rather lame for doing, sorry!
I'd appreciate any help, thanks a lot.