Gngeo High-end Rom Support


Still Fresh
Nov 9, 2005
Atlanta GA, USA
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Hey all

Just wanted to know if anyone has ever gotten a chance to compile anything in order to make the higher end Neo Geo roms to work with gngeo.

I have read the instructions and they seems to be sketchy at best for me, especially since I am not any kind of programmer whatsoever, also the thing that misleads me the most is that there isn’t even a compiler for whatever the dev using available for windows, so this would limit anyone from figuring how to work the high end roms to people who have both just Linux, AND have some knowledge on how to compile things.

If any help could be available I would much appreciate it, I would sure love to get some of my later, newer favorites working on the gngeo emulator, which thus far has been excellent.

Does the rom METAL SLUG work on this version? like with sound and all that? Which rom do i use btw, is it the one i have for mame, or the one i have for nebula? or are they both the same?!?!
GpDogg posted on Feb 6 2006 at 08:51 PM said:
Does the rom METAL SLUG work on this version? like with sound and all that? Which rom do i use btw, is it the one i have for mame, or the one i have for nebula? or are they both the same?!?!
The one from mame should work.
Mslug is still a little choppy with sound even @266Mhz
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HydraLancer posted on Feb 6 2006 at 09:23 PM said:
Aimless_E posted on Feb 6 2006 at 02:48 PM said:
What Games are you talking about?

I am talking about the bigger games that the emu runs out of memory trying to load.
You need to dump the gfx before.
it's a cmd line tools, so you need to launch the comand line editor, then do dumpgfx
copy the created gfx file on your SD (in the roms dir) and it should work.
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pepone posted on Feb 6 2006 at 03:42 PM said:
HydraLancer posted on Feb 6 2006 at 09:23 PM said:
Aimless_E posted on Feb 6 2006 at 02:48 PM said:
What Games are you talking about?

I am talking about the bigger games that the emu runs out of memory trying to load.
You need to dump the gfx before.
it's a cmd line tools, so you need to launch the comand line editor, then do dumpgfx
copy the created gfx file on your SD (in the roms dir) and it should work.

Awesome :) Problem solved. Thanks a ton!
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WOW! I have NO clue!

This is definately no drmdx!!!

I put the latase gngneo on the card, i put the bio unzipped into the roms folder, i DO have all bios' by the way. Can someone hel me figure out what to do step by step, all i wanna do is play metal slug and sonic wings! The emu boots, i select the rom and it loads with multiple bars... then it says bios rom not found... please can you help a mong like me? ;)
NO worries, i got it sorted, i was too excited there, sorry guys.
Alright, i get no sound and there are two black bars to the left and right of the screen, and they arent screen stretch because the bars reveal what should be shown in the game at the bottom, where the bars end. its almost like its a skin!

Oh well, amazing framerate in mslug!! im very happy!!!
the black border should have an option to overlay an 8 pixel black border over the top of the image or just not emulate those tiles

since most games dont need those bits anyway and theres just junk graphics in there such as in the last blade you can see the girls zombie heads neck appear from teh side of the screen but its not got any grpahics in the 8 pixel side border so looks like its in mid with with no body

i'm assuming its 8 pixel junk border since its usually 8 pixels on most systems but its just one tile column i'm assuming anyway at each side?
CyberAxe posted on Feb 7 2006 at 04:49 PM said:
the black border should have an option to overlay an 8 pixel black border over the top of the image or just not emulate those tiles

since most games dont need those bits anyway and theres just junk graphics in there such as in the last blade you can see the girls zombie heads neck appear from teh side of the screen but its not got any grpahics in the 8 pixel side border so looks like its in mid with with no body

i'm assuming its 8 pixel junk border since its usually 8 pixels on most systems but its just one tile column i'm assuming anyway at each side?

Here is a way to force gngeo to init the screen with a resolution of 304x224:

create a file called in the conf directory of gngeo and put the following lines in it:

# mslug resource file for the GP2X
screen320 false

If you're lazy ;), you can get the file here:

Just unzip it in gngeo/conf

Some drawbacks:
The screen will be slightly shifted to left. In a future release, it will be centered. I can also make an option the scale up the screen (but it look bad IMHO).

As a bonus, You may have notice that metal slug have some slowdown here and there. You can get rid of some of these with the folowing line in the file:
overclock 30

It will overclock the 68k core by 30%.
Of course, it'll impact a little your framerate... You have to choose...
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pepone posted on Feb 7 2006 at 05:24 PM said:
CyberAxe posted on Feb 7 2006 at 04:49 PM said:
the black border should have an option to overlay an 8 pixel black border over the top of the image or just not emulate those tiles

since most games dont need those bits anyway and theres just junk graphics in there such as in the last blade you can see the girls zombie heads neck appear from teh side of the screen but its not got any grpahics in the 8 pixel side border so looks like its in mid with with no body

i'm assuming its 8 pixel junk border since its usually 8 pixels on most systems but its just one tile column i'm assuming anyway at each side?

Here is a way to force gngeo to init the screen with a resolution of 304x224:

create a file called in the conf directory of gngeo and put the following lines in it:

# mslug resource file for the GP2X
screen320 false

If you're lazy ;), you can get the file here:

Just unzip it in gngeo/conf

Some drawbacks:
The screen will be slightly shifted to left. In a future release, it will be centered. I can also make an option the scale up the screen (but it look bad IMHO).

As a bonus, You may have notice that metal slug have some slowdown here and there. You can get rid of some of these with the folowing line in the file:
overclock 30

It will overclock the 68k core by 30%.
Of course, it'll impact a little your framerate... You have to choose...

excelent i stuck that screen320 false in the gngeorc config and the overclock for mslug and mslug2 running much better than it did before with sound

i tried doing a but never worked i put in country usa (cos it is in french or spanish if set to eu) but it stayed in the one in the gngeorc file
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CyberAxe posted on Feb 8 2006 at 06:57 AM said:
excelent i stuck that screen320 false in the gngeorc config and the overclock for mslug and mslug2 running much better than it did before with sound

i tried doing a but never worked i put in country usa (cos it is in french or spanish if set to eu) but it stayed in the one in the gngeorc file
You should name it And also pay attention to edit the file with UNIX line ending.
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um... im really sorry about this but i was lost when you said command line...

i downloaded the thing you have in the link, the dumpgfx thing, but i dont know how to use it at all!!! sorry about that, and to be a pain. Metal slug works amazing, im going to try and resize etc. but i want metal slug x on there now, or at least metal slug 2! so i hope you can help me with this whole thing. Thanks in advance :)

Are you running windows xp? Well as you are offline I'll have to assume you are.

If you've downloaded dumpgfx_win unzip it to your desktop. Put the rom you want to create a .gfx file for into the dumpgfx_win folder e.g. Now follow the instructions below.

Press the windows key, then click run.

Type cmd, click ok.

Command prompt will open.

Type cd C:\Documents and Settings\YOURUSERNAMEHERE\Desktop\dumpgfx_win

This will change the directory.

Type dumpgfx

There will be a short pause and then a mslug2.gfx file will appear in the dumpgfx_win folder . Copy that file and the to your roms folder in gngeo and enjoy.

One point of note.

If the .zip fails to open with a couldn't load message, you will need to check .zip contents to see if the files inside match the names of the files used by romrc. To view the romrc just use wordpad and search for the filename, there is usually more than one listing for each title. You can try renaming the files and making a archive.

You can also replace the original graphics roms in the as they won't be needed after you have created the mslug2.gfx file, thus saving valuble space on your sd card. To do that you need to make dummies, I posted about this in the main gngeo2x thread a while back. To read that click here.

The process is the same for all games that require a .gfx file.
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If the only parameter for the dumpgfx program is the file name, shouldn't it work just to drag and drop the zip on top of the executable (or a shortcut?)
Drantin posted on Feb 9 2006 at 01:32 AM said:
If the only parameter for the dumpgfx program is the file name, shouldn't it work just to drag and drop the zip on top of the executable (or a shortcut?)

No, it doesn't work to just drag and drop the onto the dumpgfx.exe.

You could however right click on the and choose "open with" and browse to the dumpgfx.exe and create a .gfx file. But GpDogg asked how to do it using command line and that's what he got. :p

There you go GpDogg you now know two ways to create a .gfx file. ;)
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What would be cool is if when Gngeo gave the out of memmory error it automatically created a dumped gfx file and tried to load the rom again.
mslug2 seems to run slower on the new ver but everything is centerd now which rocks, about to test out the rename the last blade is running excelent now on the new version plus i notice the loading is much quicker on games with .gfx dump files

and also to the people having difficulty with the gfxdump make sure you put it in a folder without a space in it or it wont work even with "'s around the path because i tried it and i had to put it in a single name folder

x:\folder is where i have it