Gngeo 0.7 And Twinkle Star Sprites


Still Fresh
Aug 8, 2009

I really love twinkle star, but so far I only had bad results with that game ... The game seems fully playable and all ... EXCEPT only *some* (menu and scores/bombs markers mostly) sprites are displayed correctly, the majority is been display as random tiles (but the tiles in themselves seems quite correct ...), like a "taquin" (sorry, french name, see this : A "taquin" ) game.

I tried mame and gngeo, and both render the same garbage !

Tried to modify options in gngeo with no luck.

In neorage it is marked as "Work", is it true (and then what do I do wrong ???) or not ?

I would try to get a new romset from somewhere. Sounds like you have corrupt roms.
Well, before posting here, I tried to get the rom from different places like rom world and rom hustler (those are the one I recall) ...
Well it's definitely your romset because I just tested and it works perfect. Nothing was happening like you were describing. Try other places for the Twinke Star Sprites rom. It's an easy game to find.
Argh ... I tried something like 5 different sites, because I can see that my firefox named the last twinspri(5) .... But then you said it is definitely working ... then I tried *another* one at random and bingo ... It works ... it's like in an rpg: if you don't talk to the right person at the right moment nothing happen ! (I am *not* saying that you are an NPC !!! :-) )

Thanks a lot to test that it worked ... (btw this emulator is really working well !)

eKuReUiL said:
Thanks a lot to test that it worked ... (btw this emulator is really working well !)
I'm just glad it works and you are happy!
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