Gmu Gp2x Music Player

I think he means 'run [IN] the background'

as in 'is the gp2x a multi thread capable system. and the answer is; not really.

though the gp2x hardware is technically capable of multitasking, most applications run in what I like to call selfish mode, they run and they are the ONLY app to run. this includes games, music, utilities, and videos. one thing at a time.

that's not to say it CANT do it, it can, but I think that running multiple processes on the gp2x would actually be hard on resources and slow things down significantly.

so for the time being, Hyperpc, the answer is no.
IcoNyx said:
I think he means 'run [IN] the background'

as in 'is the gp2x a multi thread capable system. and the answer is; not really.

though the gp2x hardware is technically capable of multitasking, most applications run in what I like to call selfish mode, they run and they are the ONLY app to run. this includes games, music, utilities, and videos. one thing at a time.

that's not to say it CANT do it, it can, but I think that running multiple processes on the gp2x would actually be hard on resources and slow things down significantly.

so for the time being, Hyperpc, the answer is no.
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Hyperpc said:
does Gmu GP2X Music Player run in the background
You could check out ommpc2x though. It is based on mpd(Music Player Daemon) and allows for music in the background. The implementation is by no means perfect, but it's something to play with if you're just dying to have background music for some app...

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