Gmenu2x Autor Un From Nand


Jun 20, 2006
Toronto, CANADA
Hey guys. (Title shoudl read "AutoRun From Nand")

Got gmenu2x working quite easily from my's AMAZING.
trying to get it to run from my nand..and I see I had to edit the file.

I edited it as prescribed using "TextEdit" on my Mac OS X... (why not?)

doesn't seem to work.

apperntly I need to use a Unix line editor?

:: Ok..what's that? I tried editing the file in "console" but no dice. Any Mac people out there who know anything about this? ::

love always,
The GP2X Village Idiot
ok..double post but...

I just spoke with IT at work, and apprently using MacOSX's TextEdit is a legit way to edit UNIX commands.

so..I'm doing something wrong.

copied the autorun and folder to the root of the NAND. edited the file so that is read .../nand/.... not .../sd/.....

Using FW2.0..autorun is "ON" in the settings.

I'll keep fussing about.
ketchupgun said:
copied the autorun and folder to the root of the NAND. edited the file so that is read .../nand/.... not .../sd/.....

I don't know this for sure at all, but I thought always stayed in /mnt/sd. The gmenu2x folder could be moved to nand, and the autorun changed to point to that location...but it stayed in /mnt/sd...

Well, I was completely wrong on that....
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ketchupgun said:
ok..double post but...

I just spoke with IT at work, and apprently using MacOSX's TextEdit is a legit way to edit UNIX commands.

so..I'm doing something wrong.

copied the autorun and folder to the root of the NAND. edited the file so that is read .../nand/.... not .../sd/.....

Using FW2.0..autorun is "ON" in the settings.

I'll keep fussing about.
Have you saved the file with Unix line endings?
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quick vi notes:

vi has two modes, command and insert.

"i" will get you into insert mode, where you can type. but "i" in insert mode will type an i, obviously.

hit esc to exit insert mode.

"u" = undo
"x" = delete character
":q" = quit
":w" = save
"!q" = quit without saving
":wq" or "ZZ" = save and quit

any of the unix text command line tools like "more" or "less" will also show you if your line breaks are right.
Yay for programmer's notepad!

* runs away from the Mac-mob *
Ryo said:
Try enabling the "mount nand on boot" option in the stock interface.
Don't know if it's needed but maybe...
i had this thought as well. from what i'm reading, texedit does unix line endings so, try mount nand on boot.
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