[gigas] Tiles Or Characters


Jan 25, 2004
Sussex, England
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Since I have become entangled with Pintsized I don't have neough time to do the RPG I ad planned

but if anyone wants any sprites or tilesets made/ripped just tell me, because this is the most enjoyable part of Gigas to me (ripping sprites) and I know a lot of people don't like doing it
WOW Mattmagoo!

What a generous chap!

Would you do me a favour, as you seem to be the talented man to ask.

What i'm after is the full character set from Michael Jackson's Moonwalker, I need the player character ( and the monkey )

I have the mame set, but I've not been able to work out how to rip the graphics :(

At a push, the graphic sets from either the SNES or Megadrive versions would be fine.

Really hope you can help.

Can't offer much other that a load of thanks and a big credit in my finished project ( as I've already promised all my spare pennies elsewhere )


ZX Beccy
:blink: :blink: :blink: :blink:

isn't Moonwalker a platformer?

BTW: The first 'm' is is in SMALL caps mattmagoo, not Mattmagoo j/k (but that is how its written, for the record)
could you give me the normal soldier dude from zelda: a link to the past

And also the attack animation if its not a trouble!

xxxxx@xxxxx.xxxx <---- that is whats called an email adress :D
sorry mattmagoo :P

Moonwalker's a multi-directional game, the character is perfect for using as a base for a characature and would be easily adaptable ( with a tad of work )

I'm forever hopeful though :D
sam fisher posted on Aug 28 2004 at 03:57 PM said:
I need sprites from every video game.

:blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink:

yeah..........good luck with that

as per usual my eye has focused on something else: BOR mods

so im afraid sam ive not got much time for Gigas sprites, but i'll try to rmemebr
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I am a t-800 gp32II.
I have been sent back in time to terminate mattmagoo. His sprites will eventually stop sky net from being created. Sam Fisher kills him after they are made because he took so long ;)

Jabberwacky really is wacky!