Gigas Project Discussion

so where? are there ICQ channels with passwords?
or everyone tell each other icq/msn/aol/whatever and we IM
cool, sounds nice....mhh..there was a community project game once....they had or have a site, and i dont think its still alive, maybe they let us use their site...

EDIT:okay, just saw the site is dead ): sad
What about an alternative dimensions story line (Great City of Gold in one, City of Poop in the other) or time line, you could throw in some paradox's to confuse the gamer and they would always come back to finish the game and figure out what the hell is going on.
Alternative dimension storylines are overdone, and I don't think that it would fit what we already have.

And I have a gigabyte of webspace just sitting around waiting to be used, but i'm not allowed to use php on it, so no messageboards there :(.
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What about the temperal paradox idea, aka soul reaver, I can't think of an RPG that does this. Have hot spots to allow you to switch to the past/present and "events" that change what the future turns out like.
You go into the past/current time to find the Sun God, go to the future and find out he's dying because he lost his eternal life crown (or something) and must return to the past to find it. once that is down you find theres even bigger problems larger then the god's even and you must do something about it.

Just thought of an RPG ff8, confused the hell out of me, thus making want to go back to it and finish...I really enjoyed the ending because of all the extra thought I had to do(maybe I just over complicated it in my head)

EDIT: I think theres an open source java message board/chat room thing available somewhere, can you use java?
I think theres an open source java message board/chat room thing available somewhere, can you use java?

I can use it. Sure as hell can't program it though, not that that matters particularly. Guess it'll be matter of finding a server and setting up a channel... and then password protecting access to the page with the javascript on or something.

And setting up a button to remove my great-looking but rediculously restrictive frames...

EDIT: Although i'm not big on the whole temporal thing, it would be VERY cool if things in the game changed depending on what you did in flashbacks...
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I dont think that could be done with gigas engine... not easly thats for sure atleast


anyone got any ideas for the finish of ther story? Or a name for the blessed game?
xxxxxxxxxxREMOVED - THE END NEEDS TO BE SECRET ;) xxxxxxxxxxx
as for the name... its about a holy war in a dark world... soo.... Bleak Crusade?
The Title is the LAST thing that has to be agreed on, mind, anything at this point is only a working title
nice.. but we would need differant charecter sizes for that
it could be kinda like the priest in FF tactics...
I like it
yah, sooner we can get a story ( preferably in secret where people cant read ) completed then we can start making the maps and stuff

I'm almost afraid to respond after being away for so long, but you guys have done an amazing job of keeping the project going. I've been quite busy lately, and I humbly apologize for leaving so abruptly.

In any case, I'm still around, and would love to contribute to the project again.
okay, so now one LAST TIME
everyone who wants to help pm or post email, or send me a mail within the next 24 hours

i already have most of the emails, but pls everyone. if we know for sure that the team wont change any more, planning will get easier i think.

mhhh...LOL only mechanori within 24 hours.....guess that was too short :D
well, Im gonna take a break from this and continue my portables/GPCinema projects
but, to keep learning about Gigas, I am going make a simple game for the Crap contest!

you have exams also?
well, lets just not worry about the project to alful much for the next 2 weeks
I have mine in 2 weeks also, but I am going to keep playing with the engine

yeah that'd be great.

did anyone hear about how much time pirotic seems to need until he releases a new version of gigas?
I'm done with my exams too (and I did quite well :) ). We mine as well get started again. It's too bad we haven't heard from Pirotic for a while, but we should get started AT LEAST with story and graphics, so the building blocks are there for later use. If you could PM everyone Nilsiboy, maybe we'll get some responses from people. There hasn't been much buzz around the Gigas Boards for a while... If you want to PM me some of the names, I'll help out a bit.
i can write an email to almost everyone, still there are some emails still missing:

mechanori (PM ) (or ) I'm stupid you posted it sorry
badtoad (me ) (mail)
Sonic-NKT (these ) (me )
wolly_wotsit (please) (

I'll send the others (splinter, kuriboh, markusdragon and octavious) a mail....mhh...octavious and markusdragon seem to be informed, never mind

additionally, I'll PM the missing ones and ask them for their emails

EDIT: goity, please add me to your adress book....i couldnt send you the last meil. error returned was "you are not in his adress book" or so