Gigas-engine 0.7.0


Certified Guru
Feb 16, 2004

Well, sent the final version of 0.7.0 to Guyfalkes - so it'll be released as soon as the "Best Entry" comp results go live, i'll also release it on my website around about the same time.

Here's a little "whats new in 0.7.0"

Current Progress:
+ Brush Picker (can select and paste areas of the tilemap, a house at a time etc)
+ Entity Conversations/Cutscene Dialogs/Text (and an editor for it)
+ "Create New Game" function creates then formats a new game for you
+ 200% Faster when running (no slowdown)
+ 200% Faster when loading/writing from SMC
+ Contrast changing via Hotspots
+ Triggers (& changing via Hotspots)
+ Guard AI
+ Virtual Keyboard (for text input)
+ Cutscenes & Cutscene Editor
+ Image display during cutscenes (displays IMG(number).RAW files)
+ Text display during cutscenes
+ real-time action during cutscenes
+ Made game logo into a custom graphic
+ Renamed the source files (the bitmaps) to be easier to understand.

i'll see if i can get this thread locked now and start a new one :)
general to do list, but i wouldn't be surprised if i did it all for the next release (so far)
when setting up a teleport at a hotspot, it would be good if you could just select the map number to be loaded aswell of being able to go through each one individually. When the map is loaded, you could then just select the teleportation position as usual.
declaration posted on May 9 2004 at 06:57 PM said:
when setting up a teleport at a hotspot, it would be good if you could just select the map number to be loaded aswell of being able to go through each one individually. When the map is loaded, you could then just select the teleportation position as usual.
agreed, thats one of the things i'd forgotton about - i figure when you have alot of maps it'd be a real pain in the ass going thru all of them, i'll just have a selector like when you normally load a map before hand.

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death and hit animations would be neat, but ram may be an issue.

i sorta have a system in place called "special fx" which allows you to attach a special effect to a weapon attack, for when it hits and for when it kills.

in the demo i've sorta done a red 'slash' mark for when it kills somebody, and a little yellow spark for when it just hits somebody, but as its a custom animation i suppose you could make a death animations from the special effects, as they are the same size as the characters.. :P its a bit of a contorted method of doing things i admit, when everythings done i'll see how much ram i have left over and see if i can code more animations in for each character, such as celebrating, death, sleeping, etc.

Gigas is loosely based on Secret of Mana, which is where i stole the idea of weapon related special effects instead of proper animations :D
Once talking is in, in either a PC-editor or a GP one, I'll start on my project. In the mean time, I'll keep an eye on everyone else and think "darn this looks good" :)
How about time?

I could make a good rpg if there was say, 3 mins to do it in?

Cos atm, theres no way to win or loose... exept dieing, but thats meant to be part of an RPG aint it!

We need respawning
yeah, respawn points that could be manually set would be nice, like if you die in a dungeoun you respawn at the beginning of the dungeon with say 50% health oer something.
ahh not wav,
maybe in a raw format tho.... wav to large
please add weapon things
like, a hotspot for " walk here and add XXX to your inventory "
and when that weapon selected, then you have a custom attack for that item
so you could sort of have a " see what ur using ingame " effect
cause If I had a staff, I dont wanna attack with a sword in game....

and you rock
