Getting Tired Of My Battery Life


Still Fresh
Dec 14, 2005
Getting tired of my battery life

I get 30 minutes on my GP 2100 mha batteries

Example: I'm playing 10 minutes some game, Then the red light goes on, few minutes later, Batteries are empty

Tried other batterys, tried to decharge them 100%

Don't know what to do with this, Faulty unit? My gp2x is a MK1

Got it in December, And the batterylife is getting worser day by day :(

Can someone help me with this?
maybe your charger is crappy, what is the specification of it? is it intelligent or just a timer?

whats the output of it?
I have no idea

its a GP Powerbank quick-2
Takes about ~6hours to charge :ph34r:

Edit: It's a timer
send it back, get a mark 2 .. the mark 1's have problematic power regulation under some conditions; its a known problem, and you should be able to get it replaced.
Change the accu brand. GP suck really bad. Energizers are considerably cheap and with 2500mAh they give me 3 or more hours of playing (I haven't measured it precisely).
I also have 2400mAh Forever accus and they give me 1.5 hour maximum.
My 2500mah gp batterys are very great, i get 5 to 6 hours out of them.
GP is one of the best brands actualy.
i dunno. if, as you say, the battery life is getting worse and worse, then it sounds to me like your batteries are fried. I would try some others

I've got a 'Ist Edition' gp2x, with some energiser 2500mAh batteries that I bought new specially for it, and I can play on gngeo for hours without any problems, I mean, I don't know how long exactly, but, jeez, its a LOT more than 30 minutes! yeah probably 4 or 5 hours, i guess.
Try a new set of rechargables, I have several dead rechargables that only last 30mins while another set of exactly the same brand/type/etc of batteries lasts around 4 hor or so.

Torper, can you link me to some of the topic please? Cheers.
I don't know what to do now

Send it back is no option since i opened my gp2x a lot
Sure you can, request a service to fix the power regulator.

Ok, I'll try some new battery's
Best to try the new batteries, maybe even a set of non-rechargeable Li-Ion batteries just to make absolutely sure.

If it is a power regulator problem then you likely didn't break it just by opening the case a bit.

They will probably get it fixed for you if you ask, even if it costs you for the service it is still cheaper than a whole new one.

Have you used a non-official power adaptor?

Non-regulated/ wrong voltage Power supplies can break the Voltage regulator. (the power doesn't go through the voltage regulator, I don't know what is happening, but it is weird, the Batteries go through the voltage regulator).
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My PSU is:3,0 Volt and 2 Amp

First i had a non-regulated PSU screen was flashing
in 10 minutes i had a new one that was good :P
Getting tired of my battery life

I get 30 minutes on my GP 2100 mha batteries

Example: I'm playing 10 minutes some game, Then the red light goes on, few minutes later, Batteries are empty

Tried other batterys, tried to decharge them 100%

Don't know what to do with this, Faulty unit? My gp2x is a MK1

Got it in December, And the batterylife is getting worser day by day :(

Can someone help me with this?
Assuming your batteries are photo (NiMH) - the problem may be the one I had. I had a "first edition" early December. I couldn't do any firmware updates on it and I too only got about 30 mins for a fresh set of rechargables. I got the GP2x replaced as it was clearly faulty - I suggest you do the same - replacement model is so much better!
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I decharged them 100% by letting them the whole night in a GBA for the 2nd time

Then i was going to listen music
on 5 minutes the redlight was going on
and it said Empty. But it lasted about 1,5 hour :wacko:
My PSU is:3,0 Volt and 2 Amp

First i had a non-regulated PSU screen was flashing
in 10 minutes i had a new one that was good :P
Sure sounds like the power regulator circuit is broken, see what you can do to get it repaired.

And it is highly likely your first PSU broke it.

I am going to run whatever PSU I get through the battery terminals, sure seems safer than breaking the regulator by going into the side terminal.
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