Get Hando A Drink!

Done :)

lulzfish said:
Are we getting Hando a drink or buying a license for forum software?
I'm a little confused, and the new forum seems to have died once again despite all the "okay, we're seriously moving now, you guys" business.

We are thanking him for hosting these boards for all these years, it's costing him for the web hosting and the board licence and he's never asked any of us for anything in the past. In my oppinion, he deserves a little thank you.
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Done. Given I spend far more time reading the board rather than actually using my gp32/gp2x its probably well overdue. And money well spent if we stay at this domain...

PS I'll probably get shot down in flames for even asking this, but would some limited advertising pull in enough revenue to pay for the license? We used to have google ads (click for devs if I remember) but with 17k users is it feasible to get a few quid that way to pay for the forum software?
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Donated £7/$10, this has been the only good place to lurk for a long time.
A couple on me too! In fact you can buy a bottle of vodka with it! I would know... been there done that, Poland rules... lol
Don Miguel said:
but damn it!!!
i made it after 5-6 tries..
(the error messages were in Polish... ok, i got them)
and it doesn't allow you to donate $4.44
And you can't pay less than USD 5....
Yo'veu tricked me, so%%%%%!!!! j/k

Podano nieprawidłową kwotę. Sprawdź, czy wszystkie znaki interpunkcyjne znajdują się w odpowiednim miejscu i czy wpisano kwotę tylko w cyfrach. Jeśli na przykład kwota wynosi $5,00 USD, wprowadź 5,00.


Invalid amount. Make sure all the punctuation marks are in place and are included only in the amount of numbers. For example, if the amount is USD $ 5.00, enter 5.00.
Take note people, IF YOU DON'T ALREADY USE THE , for numbers, you have to use it here.

AKA: $4,44 Will work
$4.44 Will NOT work

I perhaps was not clear enough above when I explained it. It is confusing because in the US people use the period to denote the end of whole numbers, although you are paying in US currency.
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Thanks for 5 good years! (and I know I was lurking since 2003...) Let's polish this place up for the next generation. :)
If you use my 10$ to get a beer, remember to also buy your cute daughter some ice cream. :D
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Take note people, IF YOU DON'T ALREADY USE THE , for numbers, you have to use it here.

AKA: $4,44 Will work
$4.44 Will NOT work

AHA! So that what I was doing wrong the last 6 times I tried to donate. The Polish threw me, I even tried converting the error messages with Babelfish but alas, they dont seem to support Polish translation to English.

After lurking here every day for 3 years, I couldnt wait to send Hando a donation. But apparently 7th times the charm--DONATED! :D
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Even though I haven't posted here very often in the past, its a fantastic site so I'm more than happy to add my donation. Now we just need to pull the pandora forums to avoid posts being split across two sites! :) :) :) :pandora1:
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Already gave the bastard a drink in 2007, we don`t want the man to become an alcoholic do we :P

When the forum issues are solved and there is a co-admin on board I will pour in another glass of spiritus uhhh... I mean vodka :`)
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Looks like it worked well. You better get some good German beer for that money :P
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Let's hope PayPal won't kick in with their "suspicious activity" account freeze after sudden flood of donations.
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Well I hope Hando enjoys my drinks too (he's going to be absolutely shit faced at this rate)...

It will be great when something *real* actually happens around here - if it wasn't for Alex releasing stuff I don't think there would be much point logging in at all...

BTW - that isn't supposed to wind up all the people who are doing stuff - it just feels like the Pandora and the wiz have been on the horizon for years...
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'notaz' said:

Let's hope PayPal won't kick in with their "suspicious activity" account freeze after sudden flood of donations.
Lol; imagine: "Due to suspicious activity we have decided that you have exceeded our risk analysis and are hereby closing your account and refunding these "Donations" that you have recieved"

With everything that's gone wrong with the pandora, I really can see this happening lol...

'Gruntfuggly' said:
Well I hope Hando enjoys my drinks too (he's going to be absolutely shit faced at this rate)...
Indeed at this rate, he will be pissed for the next 2 months, and won't be fixed! Our donations are actually being counter-productive!!
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