GP32 Genesis Emulator


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Oct 1, 2003
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Hey I have a freind who may be willing to port a genesis emulator after me nagging for him ages :P. Both of us wondering what would be a good emu to port?
Hopefully I can give him the source code and convince him to try.
Any help appreciated.
I always had the best speed and compatiblity with GENECYST.
Although the source isnt publicly available (that I know of) you might be able to email the developer to get a personal copy for a port.

Its runs in DOS so it doesnt have any windows external libs or any other windows dependancies so it should be much easier than a windows based emulator.
hmmm.. well as I was mentioning before, elsewhere..
Rlyeh tried porting Generator (someone else is trying it again, now) and he said the source was set up strangely, so he started over with Genesis Plus and (apparently) got a lot further.

I don't know where ZardozJones' emu is derived from...

Tell your friend good luck!!! (+ thanks)
Uriel posted on Apr 12 2004 at 04:23 PM said:
SEGA GENESIS ROCKS!!! Oh. And don't forget the RF multiplayer.
I think you are pushing it there. I would be happy just to get one that runs at a decent speed w/sound. Adding something like RF support would probably be too taxing for the CPU.
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Porting PC Genesis emulators to the GP32 has been tried by two of the best emu writers out there ( rlyeh and ZardozJones ), you've seen the results. Your not going to be the results you want from porting existing software.

In order to get good emulation speed we need to have a M68000 cpu core, written in optimised ARM ASM. We will also need a Z80 core as well. The Z80 core is not a problem, I would provide my Z80 core written 100% in ARM ASM. The cpu core is used in my Master System emulator for the Gameboy Advance, i've been developing the core for about a year now so its very acurate and most importantly fast.

Anybody out there got a super fast M68K cpu core? ;) Come on fess up, stop hogging for yourself.

Reesy is your core currently used in anything on the GP32? Is it available to anyone who wants to have a go with it?

Ok thanks to all will have a look. Maybe your right it has to be done in assembler. Though genemu ran at a good speed.
Reesy posted on Apr 12 2004 at 08:43 PM said:
Porting PC Genesis emulators to the GP32 has been tried by two of the best emu writers out there ( rlyeh and ZardozJones ), you've seen the results. Your not going to be the results you want from porting existing software.

In order to get good emulation speed we need to have a M68000 cpu core, written in optimised ARM ASM. We will also need a Z80 core as well. The Z80 core is not a problem, I would provide my Z80 core written 100% in ARM ASM. The cpu core is used in my Master System emulator for the Gameboy Advance, i've been developing the core for about a year now so its very acurate and most importantly fast.

Anybody out there got a super fast M68K cpu core? ;) Come on fess up, stop hogging for yourself.

rlyeh wanted a z80 core too so you can give it to him as well f you want.. I'll have to look around see if its okay with him.
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craigix posted on Apr 12 2004 at 09:14 PM said:
Reesy is your core currently used in anything on the GP32? Is it available to anyone who wants to have a go with it?


No my cpu core is not used in anything else on the GP32 yet. I've ported my cpu core to ARM ADS in preperation for some GP32 work. I don't have any experience at linking ARM ASM with C/C++ code so I've been unable to add my core to any of the exisiting emulators that use a Z80 core. My core currently emulates the Zilog Z80, but with a few changes it could emulate the Z80GB ( processer inside of the Gameboy and Gameboy Color ).

Any emulator authors that want my CPU core can email
- remove the NO_SPAM

In order to use the code you will need to be very experieced at interfacing ASM and C/C++. All I ask is that when they've managed to interface my code, they show me how they did it. ;)

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Oh, wow now it clicks in, DrSMS... a gba coder, good to see the gp32's got your interest :). Well, anyways cool to see you around the gp32 boards.
ARGHHHH so frustrating Genecyst and Kgen98 look like the way to go but the emails to the authors are dead and no source code :(
author of Genesyst had to "retire" to get a for-real job at EA, and author of Kgen also was.. well, he coded "official" Genesis emulator for windows/DC ("Sega Smash pack" if that means anything to you). So no surprise that these guys haven't got back to you, they have been out of the underground for a LONNNNG while. better luck with Gens, Genesis Plus, Xega and the like. Learn your history (if there's a good place to learn it.. the net is so fractured!) and you will be less frustrated!