Genesis emu unstable?

Shadow of Chaos

Active Member
Oct 8, 2003
South wales, UK.
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Ive tried running only one rom on the genesis emulator, that was sonic. runs fine for about 9 minutes and then the whole unit freezes, not sure if it's a problem with overclocking or what but it cant be because i run the snes emulator at 166mhz ( same speed as i run the genemu ) and i play for well over 30-40 mins and no problems, so in my opinion the genesis emulator is buggy atm.

What do you guys think?
It sounds like your unit is very similar to mine - I can run things that are FULL SCREEN for only 10 mins or so at 166 - then the screen gets corrupted and the unit (temporarily) fries. Less than full screen it can manage, but not the full one - and I know some roms on Genesis are full screen, or close to...
Tobriand posted on Oct 25 2003 at 07:20 AM said:
It sounds like your unit is very similar to mine - I can run things that are FULL SCREEN for only 10 mins or so at 166 - then the screen gets corrupted and the unit (temporarily) fries. Less than full screen it can manage, but not the full one - and I know some roms on Genesis are full screen, or close to...
0_o So thats probably why I can run SNES 166MhZ, and nothing else :) Never thought of that...
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bah, not cool! <_<

then maybe there is a way of attaching some small heatsink inside somewhere? this would definatly stop it crashing ( at least i think ).

I think there must be a way of stopping it from crashing, one is the obvious with emu's having an option of nearly half size screen. The other i havent got a clue.

EDIT : Wait.. I've been running doom at 166mhz for the past 20 mins and it hasnt crashed, that is not the problem!
Yeah thanks ill try that, if no luck its the emu. It could be that anyway, especially since doom has no trouble at that speed.

I dont understand why the emu crashes if that is the case, maybe its a problem with the emulator that can be resolved.
Shadow of Chaos posted on Oct 26 2003 at 01:17 PM said:
Yeah thanks ill try that, if no luck its the emu. It could be that anyway, especially since doom has no trouble at that speed.

I dont understand why the emu crashes if that is the case, maybe its a problem with the emulator that can be resolved.
I think that the GENEMU might use more power so thats why it is more unstable at that mhz even though the other programs that you tried worked fine at that speed. Like for me, I can run NEOGP32 longer at 166 than GPengine
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you can buy a small piece of aluminum and use a dremmil to cut pieces out of it to make your own heatsink. thats what i did but i dont think there is much of a problem with over heating. its more the quality of ram in your system
Hmm.. not sure, the emu does have a bar on the far right and when you're moving it seems to clutter up all the images into the bar maybe its causing it to overload. or something.

There must be a way to resolve it if we can run some programs overclocked and not others.

Late edit : for the past 30 mins i have been running sonic on Genemu at clock speed of 140mhz and not encountered any freezes so far, ill let you know what happens and ill keep it running for a while to see if anything comes up. But there is one thing i find really strange, and that is the fact that i notice no speed difference from the 140-166mhz versions ( probably the same in between but only those 2 ive tried ).

I dont understand it but still.. i'd like someone to fill me in with some info :blink:

What im going to do now is leave sonic running for a bit and if it dont crash ill download the next speed version i think its 150mhz and then leave sonic running again.. and ill repeat to see how high i can get it, i guess this is the only thing i can do for this type of thing, that makes sense.. right? if i can get it up to 150mhz or something it will suit me fine, i still cant see why it wont run at 166 if doom will though.
guys, could it be the ROM thats screwed?? have you tried others???

With this Emu I can Only run virtua fighter 2 and Tazmania?
Any ideas as to why my others dont work:

Dont work:

Ecco 2
All versions of sonic

I havent tried anymore so far but if these games will not work can someone let me know? Also I think the guy is 100% right when he said the Genemu takes more power than anything, as when Im near low battery Genemu will not work however everything else inlcuding MP3s work fine????
Also have had a few Region Error messages, is there any plans to get rid of (If possible) the region binding
