Help Me Decide... Please


Still Fresh
May 26, 2004
I've been doing alot of thinking about getting one of these, but there are still a few questions I have to ask before I purchase. For one, the main reason I want this system is for the divx movies, and for a Genesis emulator, and NES emulator on the go. I also wouldn't mind playing some of the Shareware games I've seen around for this system (Namely Doom).
Now for the couple of questions I have:

Does the GP32 write on the smartcards, or do you have to buy a writer?

Is the quality of the movies you can play any good? Or even worth the time it takes to encode them?

How does the Genesis run on the GP32? I mainly want to play the Sonic games, and Streets of Rage.

I've heard NES runs near perfect on the system, so I won't ask about that.

Thank you for anyone that helps
Does the GP32 write on the smartcards, or do you have to buy a writer?

It writes all by itself, but a writer is more speedy!

Is the quality of the movies you can play any good? Or even worth the time it takes to encode them?

Yes the gpcinema movies are billiant especally for cartoons/anime, wastes a lot of long journeys

How does the Genesis run on the GP32? I mainly want to play the Sonic games, and Streets of Rage.

Yeah it runs really well, full speed is just around the corner IMO


Buy One!

That is all
Angrymonkee posted on May 26 2004 at 05:33 PM said:
I've been doing alot of thinking about getting one of these, but there are still a few questions I have to ask before I purchase. For one, the main reason I want this system is for the divx movies, and for a Genesis emulator, and NES emulator on the go. I also wouldn't mind playing some of the Shareware games I've seen around for this system (Namely Doom).
Now for the couple of questions I have:

Does the GP32 write on the smartcards, or do you have to buy a writer?

Is the quality of the movies you can play any good? Or even worth the time it takes to encode them?

How does the Genesis run on the GP32? I mainly want to play the Sonic games, and Streets of Rage.

I've heard NES runs near perfect on the system, so I won't ask about that.

Thank you for anyone that helps
Yes, the GP32 can write on the card but it is much more convenient to do it with a reader and they are real cheap.

Don't know about movies I don't use it for that.

The Genesis emu runs full speed with not too much frameskip. The bad news is there is no audio. It currently runs choppy w/sound and the sound is not too good from what is said about the private betas. Hopefully that will improve though.
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It writes all by itself, but a writer is more speedy!
Actually, if you have Windows XP you can use GP Drive which is as fast as a writer (at least I think it is, it's bloody fast)

Yes the gpcinema movies are billiant especally for cartoons/anime, wastes a lot of long journeys
Yes, very good for cartoons and stuff, but if you're looking to fit a whole film onto a 128mb card, films with lots of action might not look too great.

Yeah it runs really well, full speed is just around the corner IMO
Pretty much full speed already, without sound, but not the greatest compatibility yet.

And it runs NES games absolutely perfectly, fullspeed with sound and saves.
1)With gpdrive, writing onto an smc through your gp is quite fast
2) I cant say for live action, sorry, ive ony tried anime. But for that it works pretty damn well and encoding movies through v-dub is surprisingly quite simple with a good tutorial at hand
3) Genesis emulation is a very sticky situation. There is much activity on the megadrive scene, and as previously stated many games run quite well with little lag, but there is no sound or saves. This, however, will most likely and hopefully improve, but unfortunately when dealing with a community composed of developers who are nice enough to create software on what little free time they have, nothing is on solid ground.
4) As you said, nes is damn near perfect (my personal fav)
Hope that helps. I'm really happy with mine

edit- my typing skills are not up to par with mr twit's... DAMN YOU!!! :P
Okee, thank you all, but I do have one more question... Is it very confusing to put stuff in the right format and whatnot on the card? Or is it all pretty straight forward?

Oh, and I only really planned on watching Anime on the GP32, so I guess I'm all set for that.
Angrymonkee posted on May 26 2004 at 07:16 PM said:
Okee, thank you all, but I do have one more question... Is it very confusing to put stuff in the right format and whatnot on the card? Or is it all pretty straight forward?

Oh, and I only really planned on watching Anime on the GP32, so I guess I'm all set for that.
its simple.
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Awesome... now one more question... Heheh... Sorry, but where is a good place to order one online? I was going to just get one off of eBay, because they usually come with smartcards, but then I got to thinking how eBay can be a huge ripoff... So where's a good place to get one?
By the way, gbax is the best place to buy because if yours is fauly they will send you back a new one in literally 3 days, and it comes with a free disk of games for gp32_console
yeah , got my first GP32 there, and my FLU one.

by the way, I believe there is a full port of Streets of Rage being made called Beats of Rage.
wolly_wotsit posted on May 26 2004 at 07:30 PM said:
By the way, gbax is the best place to buy because if yours is fauly they will send you back a new one in literally 3 days, and it comes with a free disk of games for gp32_console
Under 18 hours for me lol
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That's what I like about them... though for GBAX, I believe you'll have to wait a while for them to get the BLUs in, unless you want a non-lit version (which thay *may* still have; I dunno).

Of course, that is assuming you're in the UK. If you're in France, then go for Shibuya, probably, since they'll prolly end up about the same kind of level...

Definitely get one, though, if you're after Nes and Genesis. Anime is *lurvely* on the GP; encoded at 320x168, I got 6 eps of last exiles on, with 22kHz sound and I think even stereo. I was darn proud of that se of encodes lol. Learning to do them is a bit of a pain, though. Or was for me at least...
Angrymonkee posted on May 26 2004 at 06:27 PM said:
Awesome... now one more question... Heheh... Sorry, but where is a good place to order one online? I was going to just get one off of eBay, because they usually come with smartcards, but then I got to thinking how eBay can be a huge ripoff... So where's a good place to get one?
Depends where you are. If you are in Europe then GBAX. If in the US then ebay or LikSang. The US dollar is in the shitter compared to GBP so you will need to cough up over $30 extra just for exchange rates if you get from GBAX.
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