Gbax Ad


Internal Development
Mar 11, 2003
Just saw the full page ad for GBAX in Retro Gamer; I'm sure its old news, but I just got my issue (takes awhile to get to Canada ;).. way cool. Didn't know Craig liked his ST so much.. nice ST screenshot in the bottom corner.


/me hearts his GP

Yeah, it's a cool ad (unfortunately I can't afford a subscription to retrogamer) but it's in the antiriad interview for anybody from Canada or other places who want to see it ;)
skeezix posted on Sep 25 2004 at 02:29 AM said:
Just saw the full page ad for GBAX in Retro Gamer; I'm sure its old news, but I just got my issue (takes awhile to get to Canada ;).. way cool. Didn't know Craig liked his ST so much.. nice ST screenshot in the bottom corner.


/me hearts his GP


I remember Craig said he would give out a free GP32 BLU to anyone who puts Cyclone into CaSTaway. It would seem that he likes the ST ALOT to give out a $200 item for a CaSTaway upgrade.
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Inopia posted on Sep 25 2004 at 12:19 PM said:
how about a scan ?

Hooka posted on Sep 25 2004 at 04:42 AM said:
Yeah, it's a cool ad (unfortunately I can't afford a subscription to retrogamer) but it's in the antiriad interview for anybody from Canada or other places who want to see it ;)

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finty101 posted on Sep 25 2004 at 10:14 PM said:
Hooka posted on Sep 25 2004 at 04:42 AM said:
Yeah at it's a cool ad (unfortunately I can't afford a subscription to retrogamer) but it's in the antiriad interview for anybody from Canada or other places who want to see it ;)

Inopia posted on Sep 25 2004 at 12:19 PM said:
how about a scan ?


wot does that mean?
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yah, Craig said he'd give me a BLU if I added Cyclone to CaSTaway; which I will do of course, and also to another ST emu I'm working on ;) But I've got the BLU itch *right now* ;)

You've got the BLU itch but you're too bored to code? Oh, rough.

Are you going to buy one or wait?

I have a BLU, the screen is so amazing, it has to be seen to really apreciate it. Ok I'll stop rubbing it in now.
finty101 posted on Sep 25 2004 at 11:47 AM said:
You've got the BLU itch but you're too bored to code? Oh, rough.

Are you going to buy one or wait?

I have a BLU, the screen is so amazing, it has to be seen to really apreciate it. Ok I'll stop rubbing it in now.

Too bored to code? I code 16 houra a day, 7 days a week, thats not it ;) My time is eaten up the next little while for the most part, and I've got a lot on th ego, yet I want a BLU right now. So either I drop everything and lose a lot of money, to get a free BLU, or I keep workinjg, get paid, and then byu a BLU -- losing lots of money. Doh :)

Ah well.

I think I need to sit 2-3 weeks and then go on a mad buying spree.. pick up a BLU, and a Sharp Zaurus :P

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