Best "Boulderdash"?


Internal Development
Mar 11, 2003
Boulderdash is one of those games from back in the day that I just never got around to; sort of liek Chuckei Egg and the 7000 variants of that (Dizzy? SpinDizzy, all that?) .. UK software houses that weren't well known out here in Canada, so I never got into them.

I saw Boulderdash on new releases on xbox360 indies, and jumped on it (retro!), and.. ites great! My little girl is hooked, but it onyl comes with a half dozen caves. (the description for purchase shows it has 150 caves, I'm just not sure if thats 30 caves over 5 modes, or 150 caves over 5 modes... the former not worth th $$, but the latter would be.. )

But now I'm thinking I need to sort out the original. I think it was BBC, and C64, and so on..

.. but anyone on top fo their old Boulderdash? Let me know what woudl be the best version to play, for someone who never played, as no free time, and never touched a Beec :) (prefer ST, Amiga, NES, SNES, C64..)


yes, there is Rocks and Diamonds ported to Pandora I think, too.

Hmm, wiki suggests it was for Atari 8bit first.. joy!
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I made a DOS BoulderDash clone back in the day, called RockRush. I started updating it for Wiz a couple of years ago but never completed it. Maybe I should dust it off for the Pandora?


Updated style


C64 graphic stylee

Unfortunately my original game was written for DOS and doesn't seem to work on Windows XP or later :(

I also released a Christmas version called Xmas Rush


BD was my fave 8bit game and i even use the nick and or avatar of Rockford on several forums I frequent.

Still love the old BD games - the newer ones (GameBoy Advance and upwards - including XBox version) really are awful though.
Rocks and Diamonds is awesome, but it suffers from tearing on the Pandora.

Would be great if someone could add doublebuffering and vsync?
Rocks and Diamonds is awesome, but it suffers from tearing on the Pandora.

Would be great if someone could add doublebuffering and vsync?

This could be solved by running it with notaz sdl easily. Someone just needs to update the startupscript.
Tried that already, didn't work that well sadly.

Still was stuttering, probably not using doublebuffering.
I think I"ll try to rustle up the Atari 8bit original, and the C64 edition. Never enough excuses to fire up 8bits :o

Now if only we had a recent port of VICE.... *g*
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I would recommend 3 really good 'boulder dash' like games on zx speccy. Earth Shaker, Double Dash & Falling Down. Double Dash and Falling Down have also two players option.

All should be available on world of spectrum site.
Boulderdash on the Speccy was one of the better versions.

Made by First Star Software it works perfecty under emulation on zx pandy
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I made a DOS BoulderDash clone back in the day, called RockRush. I started updating it for Wiz a couple of years ago but never completed it. Maybe I should dust it off for the Pandora?
It looks great from the screenshots. I would appreciate to play this on the Pandora, so if you are in the mood to do it: yes please! :)
Not a recommendation but an overview of 61 variants: http://www.mobygames...offset,0/so,1d/

Even if you only stick to the C64-BoulderDash there are ~150 versions available at gamebase64 each with it's own level-set (not sure how many a single set has). So you got quite some levels to play. Have fun. =)
C64 version. No other BDash clone gets near the same "feel" as the original first two games. I have the Android version and the classic mode is spot on but the new one does not, neither did the horrible, horrible DS game. Even the Amiga version feels wrong to me.
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The nes version was also quite good, levels were same as original and graphics nice and crisp.

Speccy still wins in my book ( if only for the screen lag)
If you use the Atari 8-bit version then there are lots and lots more levels available in 'Bandit Boulderdash'... I never really tried them though since I'm rubbish at the game!