Gbax 2007 Coding Competition Entries Online


Certified Idiot :)
Jan 11, 2004
London, UK
The wait is over and the entries for the GBAX 2007 Coding Competition are now available to download! We had a massive turnout this year with 60 entries, the highest in our five year history! We would like to say a very big thanks to everyone that took part; the entrants, splash screen designers and web site owners that helped to promote the competition. Please help to promote the competition by clicking on the Digg link on the entries page.

You can find all the entries (in alphabetical order) entered into the competition on the official homepage at Please try all the entries for your console(s) and don't judge an entry by it's screen shot as a game doesn't have to have amazing graphics to be great. Feel free to talk about the entries on our forum posts on the Emuholic/Emuboards forums here (guest posting allowed) or on the GP32x forums here.

The winners will be announced within a week or two once Craig and myself (Guyfawkes) have judged each entry.

Finally, please remember to visit (GBAX) who provide the great prizes for the competition. As you will probably notice the majority of entries are for the GP2X which is a very active and popular development scene. You can purchase a GP2X from and try all the entries ;)

Small update - if you have a movie of your entry let me know and ill update the compo page with a link to it.
Got a GP2X and a DS so I got a lot to do tonight :)
*Downloading all entries for GP2X & DS*
Great, but I only have a gp32... and there is only one entry : mine !

For those who want to try my entry (XUMP3D) but haven't a gp32, the gbax2k7 package contains a GEEPEE compatible version (gp32 emu) or on my website, a beta of the PC version (using SDL without sound and texts) is available :

if it's down, tell me, I'll send it to someone that can put it on a public server.

Just finished it I was really looking forward to play that boomshine game i got a score of 265 now i just need to beat my own score.
B.T.W very nice game
EDIT: New Mister Block is now up on the GBAX page.

So many games... which to try first? Ugh, this is not helping me do my English coursework. Damn you and your enjoyable homebrew.
A lot of cool stuff; someone set us up the torrent, to make it leech-friendly :)

A lot of good things put out during the GBAX submission time that I'm surprised weren't entered into the compo, too.

Hmm, did they update Game Editor for the compo, or is it the same as has been around for awhile?

The reason I'm posting (besides big relief my wife is home from hospital now :) --- OMG, a Knight Lore remake .. IIRc, an old Speccy game? Damn, thats some crazy awesome :) What about the Batman game .. reskin this fast!

So many great looking entries .. good job everyone :)


Edit: awwwesome, a goity game :) Ozone looks sharp. *dusts off PSP* Ruck-man .. ooooooh. I've been reliving retro .. need to play classics with classic music at same time, so Ruckman is perfect. (Try playing Vanguard in MAME .. I'm tempted to post a timeline of necessary games from early era.. it is one thing to think a game sucks, but then to realize it was earlier or pivitol etc..). Sorry for ramble, its been a long sleepless week for me :)
Did all this Tower Defence craze come from Warcraft 3 mod? or was it around before then?

I remember playing that in WC3 one night, it rocked, and for some reason I never touched WC3 ever again :P


So quiet here.. thought there would be 86 posts by now. Everyone is downloading :)
Woah have you guys checked out the 100% speed and accurcies SNES emulator??? IT'S AMAZING!!!!

I kid. These games are going to be a blast, I'm putting them on my 2x and PSP as I type this.
...looking forward to trying everything out.

so you don't do any public voting? we just rant and rave about what we like?
Has anyone tried the WS2X? Some people told me fullscreen is not working, but i tried it and it worked before i sent it to the compo. Maybe i send the wrong version... Can anybody confirm all options are working fine? (at least fullscreen) :(
Oooh, quiest, if you are reading this, could you send me the fixed version of Floaters, pretty please? I really want to play it, it looks ace.